Recycling of heat resistant magnesium alloys

Publikation: Beiträge in SammelwerkenAufsätze in KonferenzbändenForschungbegutachtet


With the development of new heat resistant magnesium alloys, the automotive industry has introduced several parts to the drive train. The rising number of large magnesium components will result in a higher quantity of automotive post consumer scrap and the changing legislation will force car manufacturers to take magnesium recycling into consideration. So far post consumer scrap has not been used for magnesium alloy production. Quite a reasonable amount of automotive scrap is likely to end up in a mixed light metal shredder fraction. The separation of mixed magnesium scrap according to several alloys is complex. Therefore secondary magnesium alloys made from blended post consumer scrap would be useful. For this work a matrix of potential recycling alloys was prepared by chill casting and high pressure die casting. The materials were investigated for their microstructure, mechanical properties, heat resistance and corrosion properties. The results will be presented in this paper.

TitelREWAS 2008 : Global Symposium on Recycling, Waste Treatment and Clean Technology
HerausgeberBrajendra Mishra, C. Ludwig, Subodh K Das
Anzahl der Seiten8
VerlagJohn Wiley & Sons Inc.
ISBN (Print)9780873397261, 978-1605606200
PublikationsstatusErschienen - 2008
Extern publiziertJa
Veranstaltung5th Global Symposium on Recycling, Waste Treatment and Clean Technology, REWAS 2008 - Cancun, Mexico
Dauer: 12.10.200815.10.2008
Konferenznummer: 5