Corporate Sustainability Management

Publikation: Beiträge in SammelwerkenAufsätze in SammelwerkenLehre


This chapter provides a practice-oriented introduction to corporate sustainability management for students. It first introduces a brief history of corporate sustainability in businesses with reference to selected critical incidents (e.g., accidents/environmental pollution) and pioneering firms and (sustainable) entrepreneurs which have developed proactive sustainability strategies and practices already several decades ago. Then the sustainability triangle, a conceptual framework for corporate sustainability, is presented. It aims at economic, eco- and socio-effectiveness by integrating and linking the economic, environmental, and social dimensions through the concepts of eco-efficiency, socioefficiency, and eco-justice. This heuristic helps to classify sustainability management practices, relate them to each other, check for their synergies, and discuss how to overcome potential trade-offs. For the implementation of sustainability management in practice, collaboration between various actors is
necessary. The reminder of the chapter therefore introduces various forms of collaboration available to businesses in order to engage with value chain partners and broader societal partners. Ultimately, the collaboration forms are classified into interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches. Each text part contains various questions addressing the readers for their own reflection of current practices concerning the introduced concepts. The chapter ends with a brief conclusion.
TitelSustainability Science : An Introduction
HerausgeberHarald Heinrichs, Pim Martens, Gerd Michelsen, Arnim Wiek
Anzahl der Seiten13
ISBN (Print)978-94-017-7241-9
ISBN (elektronisch)978-94-017-7242-6
PublikationsstatusErschienen - 2016


  • Wirtschaftswissenschaften für Nachhaltigkeit - Sustainability management, Corporate sustainability, Stakeholder collaboration, Transdisciplinarity research, Corporate social responsibility Sustainability Science Sustainability Science Look Inside Other actions Export citation About this Book Reprints and Permissions Add to Papers Share Share this content on Facebook Share this content on Twitter Share this content on LinkedIn