Germany: An empirical study of individual reasons and conditions of economic and voluntary work of retirees
Publikation: Arbeits- oder Diskussionspapiere und Berichte › Arbeits- oder Diskussionspapiere
Facing the demographic challenge, an increasing healthy life expectancy and the need of organisations for experience and competencies, the focus of the presented empirical survey is on the workforce capacity of older persons beyond formal retirement age in good mental and physical health. As pension schemes might not sufficiently guarantee financial support for a growing older population, Reday-Mulvey (2005) suggested to supplement pension income by a fourth pension 'pillar' from a flexible extension of working life....
Originalsprache | Englisch |
Erscheinungsort | Geneva |
Verlag | International Association for the Study of Insurance Economics |
Anzahl der Seiten | 15 |
Publikationsstatus | Erschienen - 02.2010 |
Bibliographische Notiz
Etudes et Dossiers No 358
Gerontology 2009, 5.- 9. Juli 2009, Paris
World Ageing & Generations Congress 3. - 5. September 2009, St. Gallen
- Wirtschaftspsychologie - Personalmanagement, Demografischer Wandel, Human Capital Management