Conflicting Apprehensions and the Question of Sensations

Publikation: Beiträge in SammelwerkenAufsätze in SammelwerkenForschung


  • Christina Schües
Guided by problems of misperception, perceptual doubt, change and modification in a perceptual process, I ask in this essay whether there is a sensual base which may accomodate two different, even conflicting apprehensions I might have of — so it seems — the ‘same’ object. I will start by laying out the context of the question and by explicating the question itself. Then I will investigate this question by considering Husserl’s later works, in particular Die Analysen zur passiven Synthesis in which he not only advances a genetic analysis but also opens a way to discuss concepts which lie beyond such subjective achievements as sensorial complexes, affects, associations and motivations.
TitelAlterity and Facticity, New Perspectives on Husserl
HerausgeberNatalie Depraz, Dan Zahavi
Anzahl der Seiten24
VerlagWolters Kluwer
ISBN (Print)978-0-7923-5187-0, 0-7923-5187-8, 978-94-010-6126-1
ISBN (elektronisch)978-94-011-5064-4
PublikationsstatusErschienen - 1998