GCSO_Language for Sustainability: Sustaining Biodiversity and Biocultures

Projekt: Forschung


  • Manuel-Navarrete, David (Wissenschaftliche Projektleitung)
  • Martín-López, Berta (Wissenschaftliche Projektleitung)
  • Lam, David (Projektmitarbeiter*in)
  • Dillon-Swanson, Tod (Wissenschaftliche Projektleitung)
  • Gerber, Leah (Projektmitarbeiter*in)
  • Mwampamba, Tuyeni Heita (Wissenschaftliche Projektleitung)
  • Escalante, Ana Elena (Projektmitarbeiter*in)
  • Camou Guerreroe, Andrés (Projektmitarbeiter*in)


Over 90% of our global cultural diversity and 80% of our biodiversity is estimated to be represented and inhabited by 300+ million Indigenous Peoples and local communities comprised of 5,000 ethnic groups. However, while Indigenous Peoples have historically been effective ecological stewards of their lands, development pressure and limited access to the global economy have raised concerns about over-exploitation of their environment. This has created the paradox that Indigenous Peoples are, at the same time, uniquely situated and qualified to actively and cost-effectively protect biodiversity, but lacking adequate income opportunities, forcing them to discontinue stewardship in favor of seeking alternative livelihoods.

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