Dirk Berg-Schlosser Award, Second Prize: Verliehen auf der ECPR Summer School in Methods and Techniques

Auszeichnung: Externe Preise, Stipendien, Auszeichnungen, ErnennungenForschung

Jan Günter Berz (Empfänger/-in)

This prize is given to the originators of the three best info-graphic posters at our annual Summer Methods School. The award recognises the instrumental role of eminent political scientist Dirk Berg-Schlosser in bringing our Methods School to life.

Creating a poster is an ideal opportunity to present your work-in-progress in a concise, accessible, visually appealing format, and to receive feedback from fellow participants, Teaching Assistants and Instructors. Typically, the work would form part of your PhD research, but it could also be an ongoing applied research project or similar.
Datum der Bewilligung08.2017
VergabeorganisationenThe European Consortium for Political Research

Zuletzt angesehen


  1. You'll better stay at home?- Studies on the Recreational Effects of Holidays and Holiday Tourism
  2. Vom Beispiel zum Schema - Strategiegeleitetes Modellieren durch heuristische Lösungsbeispiele
  3. Stock Market Reactions to Climate Activism - An Event Study of the Fridays For Future Movement
  4. Personenbeförderungsgesetz; Lauterkeitsrecht; Rechtsbruchtatbestand; Mobilitätsdienstleistungen
  5. Learning Soccer in Elementary School: Using Teaching Games for Understanding and Digital Media
  6. Farmers' perceptions of climate change and adaptation strategies in South Africa's Western Cape
  7. Experiential marketing as a tool to enhance Tourists’ pre-travel online destination experiences?
  8. Entertainment Education as a Means to Reduce Anti-Muslim Prejudice - For Whom Does It Work Best?
  9. Efficacy and Moderators of Internet-Based Interventions in Adults with Subthreshold Depression
  10. Diverging perceptions by social groups on cultural ecosystem services provided by urban green
  11. Collaborative modelling for active involvement of stakeholders in urban flood risk management
  12. A new Parazuphium Jeannel, 1942 species (Coleoptera, Carabidae) from the Zagros Mountains in Iran
  13. Verwaltungsökonomie - Betriebswirtschaftliche Kostenrechnung in der öffentlichen Verwaltung
  14. Sustainable chemistry and the international sustainable chemistry collaborative centre ISC 3
  15. Social theatre as a tool for environmental learning processes: a case study from Madrid, Spain
  16. Sensitivity to complexity - an important prerequisite of problem solving mathematics teaching
  17. Self-Regulation, Language Skills, and Emotion Knowledge in Young Children From Northern Germany
  18. Performance of process-based models for simulation of grain N in crop rotations across Europe
  19. Organizational error management culture and its impact on performance: a two-study replication
  20. Narratology meets translation studies, or, the voice of the translator in children's literature
  21. Mit Film- und Hausarbeit gegen die Kapitalisierung von Zeit (Jeanne Dielman und Fannie Drayton)
  22. Estimation of phosphorus export from a Mediterranean agricultural catchment with scarce data
  23. Diversitätsbezogene Einstellungen von Lehramtsstudierenden mit und ohne Migrationsgeschichte
  24. Corrosion behavior of multi-layer friction surfaced structure from dissimilar aluminum alloys
  25. Corporate social responsibility performance, reporting and generalized methods of moments (GMM)
  26. Competence development of high achievers within the highest track in German secondary school
  27. "Beide Künstler sind begeistert für ein und dasselbe hohe Ziel." - Karl May und Sascha Schneider
  28. A multiple-trait analysis of ecohydrological acclimatisation in a dryland phreatophytic shrub
  29. aCD133-GPVI: A bifunctional protein for imroved stent performance and endothelial regeneration
  30. A comprehensive method for determination of fatty acids in the initial oral biofilm (pellicle)