
Fachzeitschrift: Zeitschrift

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  1. Modeling of microstructural pattern formation in crystal plasticity
  2. Exploring the Hidden Curriculum in Responsible Management Education
  3. Rezension Chris Porter, 2019, Supporter Ownership in English Football
  4. Der Widerstand gegen die Diktatur und das neue Bild von Deutschland
  5. "Meine Seele verblutet an der Sehnsucht nach dem verlorenen Paradies"
  6. Spatial characterization of coastal marine social-ecological systems
  7. Magnesium-based metal matrix nanocomposites—processing and properties
  8. Überstunden, Ausgleichsmöglichkeiten, Gesundheit und Work-Life-Balance
  9. The Effect of Product Regulation on Business Global Competitiveness
  10. Surface Integration: Dealing with the EES and the OMC/incl. in Germany
  11. Higher Wages in Exporting Firms: Self-Selection, Export Effect, or Both?
  12. Biodiversity in space and time - towards a grid mapping for Mongolia
  13. Challenges and opportunities for sustainable development in Germany
  14. Next generation wireless energy aware sensors for internet of things
  15. New ways in engineering education for a sustainable and smart future
  16. Comparative Study of AC-DC Rectifiers for Vibration Energy Harvesters
  17. Transcending Methodological Nationalism through a Transversal Method?
  18. A checklist for ecological management of landscapes for conservation
  19. Eine Kultur des Zweifels. Kinderlosigkeit und die Zukunft der Familie.
  20. Herausforderungen des kulturellen Wandels in Richtung Nachhaltigkeit
  21. The persistence of subsistence and the limits to development studies
  22. Beyond carbon, more than forest? REDD plus governmentality in Indonesia