Frontiers in Plant Science, 1664-462X
Fachzeitschrift: Zeitschrift
Effects of four different restoration treatments on the natural abundance of 15N stable isotopes in plants
Temperton, V. M., Märtin, L. L. A., Röder, D., Lücke, A. & Kiehl, K., 26.04.2012, in: Frontiers in Plant Science. 3, April, 12 S., 70.Publikation: Beiträge in Zeitschriften › Zeitschriftenaufsätze › Forschung › begutachtet
Disentangling who is who during rhizosphere acidification in root interactions: combining fluorescence with optode techniques
Faget, M., Blossfeld, S., von Gillhaussen, P., Schurr, U. & Temperton, V. M., 10.10.2013, in: Frontiers in Plant Science. 4, OCT, 8 S., 392.Publikation: Beiträge in Zeitschriften › Zeitschriftenaufsätze › Forschung › begutachtet
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Nitrogen Addition Enhances Drought Sensitivity of Young Deciduous Tree Species
Dziedek, C., Härdtle, W., von Oheimb, G. & Fichtner, A., 22.07.2016, in: Frontiers in Plant Science. 7, 7, 12 S., 1100.Publikation: Beiträge in Zeitschriften › Zeitschriftenaufsätze › Forschung › begutachtet
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Sowing density: A neglected factor fundamentally affecting root distribution and biomass allocation of field grown spring barley (Hordeum Vulgare L.)
Hecht, V. L., Nagel, K. A., Rascher, U., Postma, J. A. & Temperton, V. M., 28.06.2016, in: Frontiers in Plant Science. 7, 14 S., 00944.Publikation: Beiträge in Zeitschriften › Zeitschriftenaufsätze › Forschung › begutachtet
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Bryophytes and organic layers control uptake of airborne nitrogen in low-N environments
Bähring, A., Fichtner, A., Friedrich, U., Von Oheimb, G. & Härdtle, W., 04.12.2017, in: Frontiers in Plant Science. 8, 12 S., 2080.Publikation: Beiträge in Zeitschriften › Zeitschriftenaufsätze › Forschung › begutachtet
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The Importance of Being First: Exploring Priority and Diversity Effects in a Grassland Field Experiment
Weidlich, E. W. A., Von Gillhaussen, P., Delory, B., Blossfeld, S., Poorter, H. & Temperton, V. M., 05.01.2017, in: Frontiers in Plant Science. 7, 12 S., 2008.Publikation: Beiträge in Zeitschriften › Zeitschriftenaufsätze › Forschung › begutachtet
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Coming late for dinner: Localized digestate depot fertilization for extensive cultivation of marginal soil with Sida hermaphrodita
Nabel, M., Schrey, S., Poorter, H., Koller, R., Nagel, K. A., Temperton, V. M., Dietrich, C. C., Briese, C. & Jablonowski, N. D., 30.07.2018, in: Frontiers in Plant Science. 9, 14 S., 1095.Publikation: Beiträge in Zeitschriften › Zeitschriftenaufsätze › Forschung › begutachtet
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Legume intercropping with the bioenergy crop sida hermaphrodita on marginal soil
Nabel, M., Schrey, S. D., Temperton, V. M., Harrison, L. & Jablonowski, N. D., 02.07.2018, in: Frontiers in Plant Science. 9, 9 S., 905.Publikation: Beiträge in Zeitschriften › Zeitschriftenaufsätze › Forschung › begutachtet
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Precrop functional group identity affects yield of winter barley but less so high carbon amendments in a mesocosm experiment
van Duijnen, R., Roy, J., Härdtle, W. & Temperton, V. M., 03.07.2018, in: Frontiers in Plant Science. 9, 12 S., 912.Publikation: Beiträge in Zeitschriften › Zeitschriftenaufsätze › Forschung › begutachtet
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Call for Participation: Collaborative Benchmarking of Functional-Structural Root Architecture Models. The Case of Root Water Uptake
Schnepf, A., Black, C. K., Couvreur, V., Delory, B. M., Doussan, C., Koch, A., Koch, T., Javaux, M., Landl, M., Leitner, D., Lobet, G., Mai, T. H., Meunier, F., Petrich, L., Postma, J. A., Priesack, E., Schmidt, V., Vanderborght, J., Vereecken, H. & Weber, M., 31.03.2020, in: Frontiers in Plant Science. 11, 21 S., 316.Publikation: Beiträge in Zeitschriften › Zeitschriftenaufsätze › Forschung › begutachtet