Insectes Sociaux (Zeitschrift)

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Sara Leonhardt - Gutachter*in

    Gutachterin für die Zeitschrift "Insectes Sociaux - International Journal for the Study of Social Arthropods"

    Insectes Sociaux (IS) is the journal of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects (IUSSI). It covers the various aspects of the biology and evolution of social insects and other presocial arthropods; these include ecology, ethology, morphology, population genetics, reproduction, communication, sociobiology, caste differentiation and social parasitism. The journal publishes original research papers and reviews, as well as short communications. An international editorial board of 21 eminent specialists attests to the high quality of Insectes Sociaux, a forum for all scientists and readers interested in the study of social insects.