European Yearbook of International Economic Law (Fachzeitschrift)

Aktivität: Herausgebertätigkeit und Begutachtung von PublikationenHerausgabe von PublikationsreihenTransfer

Jörg Terhechte - Herausgeber*in

Marc Bungenberg - Herausgeber*in

Markus Krajewski - Herausgeber*in

Christian Tams - Herausgeber*in

Andreas Ziegler - Herausgeber*in

    The European Yearbook of International Economic (EYIEL) Law is a Springer-publication in the field of International Economic Law (IEL), a field increasingly emancipating itself from Public International Law scholarship and evolving into a fully-fledged academic discipline in its own right. With the yearbook, editors and publisher make a significant contribution to the development of this "new" discipline and provide an international source of reference of the highest possible quality.
    2010 → …