Art and Sustainability: Aesthetics of Complexity

Aktivität: Vorträge und GastvorlesungenGastvorträge und -vorlesungenTransfer

Sacha Kagan - Dozent*in

Communities across the world engaged in the search for lived cultures of sustainability, are involved in cultural transformations affecting our ways of knowing, learning, valuing and acting together. In this context, "transdisciplinarity" matters. It implies a mode of knowing reality that combines dimensions traditionally split between art and science. Humans urgently need to develop 'artscience' methodologies fostering both embodied, transversal modes of knowing at the individual level, and a creatively evolutionary capability for resilience at the level of social systems. Elaborating a theoretical understanding of the cultural dimension of sustainability as based on a trans-disciplinary understanding of complexity, the lecture will introduce an understanding of “aesthetics of sustainability” as addressed in the book Art and Sustainability: Connecting Patterns for a Culture of Complexity. This program is organized by the Mohile Parikh Center, Mumbai, in collaboration with the Goethe Institut/Max Mueller Bhavan, Mumbai.