6th Midterm Conference of the European Sociological Association’s Research Network Sociology of Culture (RN7) 2016

Aktivität: Wissenschaftliche und künstlerische VeranstaltungenKonferenzenForschung

Sacha Kagan - Präsentator*in

Emergence, Complexity, Design, Planning, Control – Approaching issues of emergence in urban sustainable development through the lens of qualitative complexity

What space and role is there for emergence in culturally sensitive, creativity-oriented initiatives for sustainability? As part of an ongoing research project on ‘The City as Space of Possibility’ (www.leuphana. de/sam) carried out in the German city of Hannover, we are following a number of urban actors who are developing various creativity and arts- based engagements for more sustainability in their city. We observe a commonly occurring tension in these projects, groups and approaches oriented towards sustainable development: A tension between on the one hand, an imaginary of planning and control for an engineered ‘bet- ter’ future, and on the other hand, an imaginary of emergence and of the qualitative complexity of possible desirable futures. At the crossroads of those two orientations, and caught in a specific way in this tension, is the practice of design. This paper will focus on the case of a ‘design thinking’ workshop format implemented in Hannover (a so-called ‘sustainability jam’, interrogating the qualities and limits of the observed practices under the aspects of ‘Emergence, Complex- ity, Design, Planning, and Control’. Furthermore, beyond the observed practices, and involving other practices (in the research field in Han- nover and elsewhere) related to arts-based methods, potential interven- tion-approaches aiming to modify the existing balance of Planning & Control vs. Emergence & Complexity, will be presented and pondered upon. The discussed tensions will be further reflected through the lens of qualitative complexity (after Edgar Morin).
6th Midterm Conference of the European Sociological Association’s Research Network Sociology of Culture (RN7) 2016


6th Midterm Conference of the European Sociological Association’s Research Network Sociology of Culture (RN7) 2016: Emergent Culture


Exeter, Großbritannien / Vereinigtes Königreich

Veranstaltung: Konferenz

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