5th International Leuphana Conference on Entrepreneurship, Creativity and Innovation - LCE 2015

Aktivität: Wissenschaftliche und künstlerische VeranstaltungenKonferenzenForschung

Silke Tegtmeier - Organisator*in

Ausrichtung der 5. Leuphana Conference on Entrepreneurship

Conference dates: January 15 - January 17, 2015 This conference will explore the interaction between entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation. Creativity is a process of bringing something new and valuable into the world. Innovations are new solutions, for example to meet consumers’ needs at new or existing markets. Innovations come in various forms such as a new product, service, process or business model. That way, innovation is an immanent part of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurial success depends on reacting on constant changes by creating new solutions and bringing them into the market. Nowadays, Schumpeter’s idea of creative destruction is as valid as it can be. The Leuphana Conference on Entrepreneurship has recently been praised for its innovative teaching and invites researchers, entrepreneurs, financiers, practitioners, policy makers and students to use our first class event to exchange opinions or to find new inspiration. Our special thanks goes to the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology, the Leuphana Student Commission of the master’s programme “Management & Entrepreneurship”, the Leuphana Research Service and the many sponsors that kindly support this conference. We are also highly grateful to the European Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship as well as the Centre for Entrepreneurship Research at the University of Essex for joining us as co-organisers of the conference’s call for papers. The fact that the LCE2015 continues in the spirit of the Lünale (a combined ceremony of Lüneburg's four most relevant business awards) and Lüneburg's Night of the Start-ups reflects once more the great entrepreneurial potential at Leuphana. Most recently, Leuphana was confirmed as Germany’s start-up friendliest University in the category of middle-sized higher education institutions. In this context, our conference is a very innovative platform that combines cutting-edge international research with highly practical and action-oriented workshops and pitches. LCE2015 will be embedded into the project EXIST IV - Entrepreneurial Culture - The Entrepreneurial University, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology as well as into the Leuphana Research Center for Entrepreneurship Evidence.
5th International Leuphana Conference on Entrepreneurship, Creativity and Innovation - LCE 2015


5th International Leuphana Conference on Entrepreneurship, Creativity and Innovation - LCE 2015: Creativity and Innovation


Lüneburg, Deutschland

Veranstaltung: Konferenz


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