39th EGOS Colloquium - EGOS 2023

Aktivität: Wissenschaftliche und künstlerische VeranstaltungenKonferenzenForschung

Laura Fey - Sprecher*in

Paper development workshop, PDW 3: Societal Grand Challenges, Communication, and
Performativity, mode of participation: Feminist Festivals, Collaboration towards a shared purpose
Paper presentation, Sub-theme 38: Governing for the Good Life: Secrecy, Transparency, and Accountability in Organizations, Networks, and Society ---> MERGED with sub-theme 71: Navigating competitive and
collaborative boundaries for long
term success: Insights from festival
39th EGOS Colloquium - EGOS 2023


39th EGOS Colloquium - EGOS 2023: Organizing the Good Life Between Legacy and Imagination


Cagliary, Italien

Veranstaltung: Konferenz