14. Inter- und transdisziplinären Werkstattgespräche - 2015

Aktivität: Wissenschaftliche und künstlerische VeranstaltungenExternen Workshops, Kursen, SeminarenForschung

Sacha Kagan - Sprecher*in

Artistic Research and Transdisciplinarity

I will start with a quick overview of the duality of “artistic research” and “arts­based research”, regarding some of their linkages with transdisciplinarity and sustainability through a double­ movement, from the sciences (with the fashionable notion of citizen-science) and from the arts (with the notion of citizen­ art).
I will then move on to give a closer look at some of the intriguing qualities of art as research which I have been exploring both theoretically and empirically over the past years (and ongoing), with investigations into “aesthetics of complexity” and “spaces of possibility”.
And lastly (acknowledging my research as moving “situated knowledge” – after Donna Haraway, and abandoning the “control tower” of value­-neutrality­claims – after Edgar Morin), I will illustrate and shortly discuss these elements by relating to my own incursions into art as research, focusing on the period between 2007 and the upcoming summer 2015.
14. Inter- und transdisziplinären Werkstattgespräche - 2015


14. Inter- und transdisziplinären Werkstattgespräche - 2015: Ar­tis­tic Re­se­arch und Trans­di­zi­pli­na­rität

27.04.15 → …

Lüneburg, Deutschland

Veranstaltung: Sonstiges