Proof of concept: Enterprise Crowdfunding

Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksArticle in conference proceedingsResearchpeer-review


In this short paper it will be discussed how crowdfunding concepts can be successfully used to support internal financing projects towards Enterprise Crowdfunding. A central platform to be developed will guarantee transparency in order to ease and facilitate synergy-effects between company divisions and departments. Besides transparency crowdfunding – especially through its federalistic financing concepts – can contribute to the evaluation of new planned projects. Furthermore, fair according to the input involved is not more problematic. The probability to not get funding for those projects which deserve support it is significantly reduced.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationConf-IRM 2016 Proceedings
Number of pages6
PublisherAIS eLibrary
Publication date07.08.2016
ISBN (print)978-0-473-35594-4
Publication statusPublished - 07.08.2016
EventInternational Conference on Information Resource Management Conf-IRM 2016: Digital Emancipation in a Networked Society - Cape Town, South Africa
Duration: 18.05.201620.05.2016

    Research areas

  • Entrepreneurship - Enterprise Crowdfunding, Innovation and idea management, internal project, internal cost allocation
