Independent Music and Digital Technology in the Philippines

Research output: Books and anthologiesMonographsResearch


Since the turn of the century, the impact of digital technologies on the promotion, production and distribution of music in the Philippines has both enabled and necessitated an increase in independent musical practices. In the first in-depth investigation into the independent music scene in the Philippines, Monika E. Schoop exposes and portrays the as yet unexplored restructurings of the Philippine music industries, showing that digital technologies have played an ambivalent role in these developments. While they have given rise to new levels of piracy, they have also offered unprecedented opportunities for artists. The near collapse of the transnational recording industry in the Philippines stands in stark contrast to a thriving independent music scene in the county's national capital region, Metro Manila, which cuts across musical genres and whose members successfully adjust to a rapidly evolving industry scenario. Independent practices have been facilitated by increased access to broadband Internet, the popularity of social media platforms and home recording technology. At the same time, changing music industry structures often leave artists with no other option but to operate independently. Based on extensive fieldwork online and offline, the book explores the diverse and innovative music production, distribution, promotion and financing strategies that have become constitutive of the independent music scene in twenty-first-century Manila.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationLondon, New York.
PublisherRoutledge Taylor & Francis Group
Number of pages245
ISBN (print)9781138223745, 9781315403243
ISBN (electronic)9781315403250
Publication statusPublished - 01.01.2017
Externally publishedYes

Publication series

NameRoutledge Studies in Popular Music

Bibliographical note

zgl. Dissertation Universität Hildesheim, 2017