Importance of scrub-pastureland mosaics for wild-living cats occurrence in a Mediterranean area: Implications for the conservation of the wildcat (Felis silvestris)

Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review


Importance of scrub-pastureland mosaics for wild-living cats occurrence in a Mediterranean area: Implications for the conservation of the wildcat (Felis silvestris). / Lozano Mendoza, Jorge; Virgós, E.; Malo, A.F. et al.
In: Biodiversity and Conservation, Vol. 12, No. 5, 01.05.2003, p. 921-935.

Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review





title = "Importance of scrub-pastureland mosaics for wild-living cats occurrence in a Mediterranean area: Implications for the conservation of the wildcat (Felis silvestris)",
abstract = "The European wildcat (Felis silvestris) is a threatened species in Europe. Suitable management of forests has been considered crucial for its conservation in Europe. However, this recommendation may not be general due to the lack of studies that test these hypotheses in the Mediterranean area, where landscapes are very different from those of central-north Europe. In this study, wild-living cat habitat associations were analyzed by means of scat surveys in 78 areas distributed in the four main vegetation types of the Mediterranean area of central Spain, where feral cat populations are probably scarce and restricted. Results show higher occurrences of wild-living cats in landscapes covered by scrub-pastureland mosaics rather than forests. Several applied recommendations are given: (1) to include the scrub-pastureland mosaics as protected habitats for wildcats; (2) to encourage further studies about the importance of this habitat in other areas; (3) to avoid the extensive scrubland removal associated with management practices against fires or infrastructure development; and (4) to promote land management practices that enhance these mosaics, and to use shrub species in the reforestation programmes founded by the European Agricultural Policy.",
keywords = "Felis silvestris, Forests, Landscape and micro-habitat scales, Mediterranean area, Scrublands, Wild-living cats, conservation management, endangered species, felid, habitat conservation, habitat mosaic, pasture, scrub, Spain, Felidae, Felis, Felis catus, Scatophagus argus",
author = "{Lozano Mendoza}, Jorge and E. Virg{\'o}s and A.F. Malo and D.L. Huertas and J.G. Casanovas",
note = "Cited By :45 Export Date: 27 January 2017 CODEN: BONSE Correspondence Address: Virg{\'o}s, E.; Inst. de Invest. en Recurs. Cineget., CSIC-UCLM-JCCM, C/Libertad 7A, E-13004 Ciudad Real, Spain; email: References: Andelt, W.F., Andelt, J.H., Diet bias in scat deposition rate surveys of coyote density (1984) Wildlife Society Bulletin, 12, pp. 74-77; Artois, M., Utilisation de l'espace et du temps chez le renard (Vulpes vulpes) et le chat forestier (Felis silvestris) en Lorraine (1985) Gibier Faune Sauvage, 3, pp. 33-57; Aymerich, M., Etude comparative des r{\'e}gimes alimentaires du lynx pardelle (Lynx pardina) et du chat sauvage (Felis silvestris) au centre de la p{\'e}ninsule Ib{\'e}rique (1982) Mammalia, 46, pp. 515-521; Aymerich, M., Situaci{\'o}n y conservaci{\'o}n del gato mont{\'e}s en Europa (1993) Quercus July, pp. 6-11; Beaumont, M., Barratt, E.M., Gotelli, D., Kitchener, A.C., Daniels, M.J., Pritchard, J.K., Genetic diversity and introgression in the Scottish wildcat (2001) Molecular Ecology, 10, pp. 319-336; Blas Aritio, L., (1964) Estudio de la Distribuci{\'o}n de Algunas Alima{\~n}as Espa{\~n}olas Incluidas en la Clase Mammalia, , S.N.P.F.C., Madrid, Spain; Castells, A., Mayo, M., (1993) Gu{\'i}a de los Mam{\'i}feros en Libertad de Espa{\~n}a y Portugal, , Ed. Pir{\'a}mide S.A., Madrid, Spain; Cavallini, P., Faces count as an index of fox abundance (1994) Acta Theriologica, 39, pp. 417-424; Conroy, J.W.H., French, D.D., The use of spraints to monitor populations of otters (Lutra lutra) (1987) Symposia of the Zoological Society of London, 58, pp. 247-262; Corbett, L.K., Current research on wildcats: Why have they increased? (1978) Scottish Wildlife, 14, pp. 17-21; Corbett, L.K., (1979) Feeding Ecology and Social Organization of Wildcats (Felis silvestris) and Domestic Cats (Felis catus) in Scotland, , Ph.D. Thesis, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK, 296 pp; (1992) Seminar on the Biology and Conservation of the Wildcat (Felis silvestris), , Nancy, France, 23-25 September 1992. Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France; Daniels, M.J., Balharry, D., Hirst, D., Kitchener, A.C., Aspinall, R.J., Morphological and pelage characteristics of wild living cats in Scotland: Implications for defining the 'wildcat' (1998) Journal of Zoology London, 244, pp. 231-247; Daniels, M.J., Beaumont, M.A., Johnson, P.J., Balharry, D., Macdonald, D.W., Barratt, E., Ecology and genetics of wild-living cats in the north-east of Scotland and the implications for the conservation of the wildcat (2001) Journal of Applied Ecology, 38, pp. 146-161; D{\"o}tterer, M., Bernhart, F., The occurrence of wildcats in the southern Swiss Jura Mountains (1996) Acta Theriologica, 41, pp. 205-209; Easterbee, N., Hepburn, L.V., Jefferies, D.J., (1991) Survey of the Status and Distribution of the Wildcat in Scotland, 1983-1987, , Nature Conservancy Council for Scotland, Peterborough, UK; Ferna{\'a}ndez, E., De Lope, F., De La Cruz, C., Morphologie cr{\^a}nienne du chat sauvage (Felis silvestris) dans le sud de la Peninsule ib{\'e}rique: Importance de l'introgression par le chat domestique (Felis catus) (1992) Mammalia, 56, pp. 255-264; Ferreras, P., Revilla, E., Delibes, M., Peque{\~n}os y medianos carn{\'i}voros ib{\'e}ricos (1999) Biol{\'o}gica, 28, pp. 14-37; Genovesi, P., Boitani, L., (1992) Spacing Patterns and Activity Rhythms of a Wildcat (Felis silvestris) in Italy. Seminar on the Biology and Conservation of the Wildcat (Felis silvestris), pp. 98-101. , Nancy, France, 23-25 September 1992. Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France; Gil-S{\'a}nchez, J.M., Valenzuela, G., S{\'a}nchez, J.F., Iberian wild cat Felis silvestris tartessia predation on rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus: Functional response and age selection (1999) Acta Theriologica, 44, pp. 421-428; Guggisberg, C.A.W., (1975) Wild Cats of the World, , David and Charles, Newton Abbott, UK; Hewson, R., The food of wild cats (Felis silvestris) and red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in west and north-east Scotland (1983) Journal of Zoology London, 200, pp. 283-289; Hossfeld, E., Reif, U., Reith, U., (1992) The Wildcat in the Taunus Mountains: Results of Preliminary Investigations and a Draft of a Research and Protection Project. Seminar on the Biology and Conservation of the Wildcat (Felis silvestris), pp. 46-51. , Nancy, France, 23-25 September 1992. Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France; Hubbard, A.L., McOrist, S., Jones, T.W., Boid, R., Scott, R., Easterbee, N., Is survival of European wildcats Felis silvestris in Britain threatened by interbreeding with domestic cats? (1992) Biological Conservation, 61, pp. 203-208; Langley, P.J.W., Yalden, D.W., The decline of the rarer carnivores in Great Britain during the nineteenth century (1977) Mammal Review, 7, pp. 95-116; Moreno, S., Villafuerte, R., Traditional management of scrubland for the conservation of rabbits and their predators in Do{\~n}ana National Park, Spain (1995) Biological Conservation, 72, pp. 81-85; Nowell, K., Jackson, P., (1996) The Wild Cats: Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan, , International Union for Nature Conservation/Cat Specialist Group, Gland, Switzerland; Ozenda, P., (1982) Les Vegetaux Dans le Biosph{\`e}re, , Doin Editeurs, Paris; Palma, L., Beja, P., Rodrigues, M., The use of sighting data to analyse Iberian lynx habitat and distribution (1999) Journal of Applied Ecology, 36, pp. 812-824; Parent, G.H., La migration r{\'e}cente, {\`a} caract{\`e}re invasionnel, du chat sauvage, Felis silvestris silvestris Schreber, en Lorraine Belge (1975) Mammalia, 39, pp. 251-288; Ragni, B., Observations on the ecology and behaviour of the wild cat (Felis silvestris Schreber, 1777) in Italy (1978) Carnivore Genetics Newsletters, 3, pp. 270-274; Ragni, B., Gatto selvatico Felis silvestris Schreber, 1777 (1981) Distribuzione e Biolog{\'i}a di 22 Specie di Mam{\'i}feri in Italia, Roma, pp. 105-113. , Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Rome; Rivas-Mart{\'i}nez, S., Fern{\'a}ndez-Gonz{\'a}lez, F., S{\'a}nchez-Mata, D., El sistema central: De la sierra de ayll{\'o}n a serra da estrela (1987) La Vegetaci{\'o}n de Espa{\~n}a, pp. 419-451. , Peinado M. and Rivas-Mart{\'i}nez S. (eds). Publicaciones Universidad de Alcal{\'a}, Madrid, Spain; (1997) Atlas Provisional de los Carn{\'i}voros de la Comunidad Valenciana, , Direcci{\'o}n General del Medio Natural, Generalitat de Valencia, Valencia, Spain; Sarmento, P., Feeding ecology of the European wildcat Felis silvestris in Portugal (1996) Acta Theriologica, 41, pp. 409-414; Schauenberg, P., Elements d'ecologie du chat forestier d'Europe Felis silvestris Schreber, 1777 (1981) Revue d'{\'E}cologie (Terre et Vie), 35, pp. 3-36; Scott, R., Easterbee, N., Jefferies, D., (1992) A Radio-tracking Study of Wildcats in Western Scotland. Seminar on the Biology and Conservation of the Wildcat (Felis silvestris), pp. 94-97. , Nancy, France, 23-25 September 1992. Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France; Stahl, P., Artois, M., Aubert, M.F.A., Organisation spatiale et d{\'e}placements des chats forestiers adultes (Felis silvestris, Schreber, 1777) en Lorraine (1988) Revue d'{\'E}cologie (Terre et Vie), 43, pp. 113-131; Stahl, P., Artois, M., (1991) Status and Conservation of the Wild Cat (Felis silvestris) in Europe and Around the Mediterranean Rim, , Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France; Stahl, P., Leger, F., Le chat sauvage (Felis silvestris, Schreber, 1777) (1992) Encyclop{\'e}die des Carnivores de France, , Artois M. and Maurin H. (eds). Soci{\'e}t{\'e} Fran{\c c}aise pour l'Etude et la Protection des Mammif{\`e}res (S.F.E.P.M.), Bohallard, Puceul, France; Underwood, A.J., (1996) Experiments in Ecology, , Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK; Urra, F., Utilizaci{\'o}n del espacio por el gato mont{\'e}s (Felis silvestris) en Navarra (1997) III Jornadas Espa{\~n}olas de Conservaci{\'o}n y Estudio de Mam{\'i}feros, Castell{\'o} d'Emp{\'u}ries (Girona), 5-7 Diciembre 1997, p. 86. , Sociedad Espa{\~n}ola para la Conservaci{\'o}n y Estudio de los Mam{\'i}feros (SECEM), Malaga, Spain; Virg{\'o}s, E., Casanovas, J.G., Distribution patterns of the stone marten (Martes foina) in Mediterranean mountains of central Spain (1998) Zeitschrift f{\"u}r S{\"a}ugetierkunde, 63, pp. 193-199; Wittmer, H.U., Home range size, movements, and habitat utilisation of three male European wildcats (Felis silvestris Schreber, 1777) in Saarland and Rheinland-Pfalz (Germany) (2001) Zeitschrift f{\"u}r S{\"a}ugetierkunde, 66, pp. 365-370",
year = "2003",
month = may,
day = "1",
doi = "10.1023/A:1022821708594",
language = "English",
volume = "12",
pages = "921--935",
journal = "Biodiversity and Conservation",
issn = "0960-3115",
publisher = "Springer Science and Business Media B.V.",
number = "5",




T1 - Importance of scrub-pastureland mosaics for wild-living cats occurrence in a Mediterranean area: Implications for the conservation of the wildcat (Felis silvestris)

AU - Lozano Mendoza, Jorge

AU - Virgós, E.

AU - Malo, A.F.

AU - Huertas, D.L.

AU - Casanovas, J.G.

N1 - Cited By :45 Export Date: 27 January 2017 CODEN: BONSE Correspondence Address: Virgós, E.; Inst. de Invest. en Recurs. Cineget., CSIC-UCLM-JCCM, C/Libertad 7A, E-13004 Ciudad Real, Spain; email: References: Andelt, W.F., Andelt, J.H., Diet bias in scat deposition rate surveys of coyote density (1984) Wildlife Society Bulletin, 12, pp. 74-77; Artois, M., Utilisation de l'espace et du temps chez le renard (Vulpes vulpes) et le chat forestier (Felis silvestris) en Lorraine (1985) Gibier Faune Sauvage, 3, pp. 33-57; Aymerich, M., Etude comparative des régimes alimentaires du lynx pardelle (Lynx pardina) et du chat sauvage (Felis silvestris) au centre de la péninsule Ibérique (1982) Mammalia, 46, pp. 515-521; Aymerich, M., Situación y conservación del gato montés en Europa (1993) Quercus July, pp. 6-11; Beaumont, M., Barratt, E.M., Gotelli, D., Kitchener, A.C., Daniels, M.J., Pritchard, J.K., Genetic diversity and introgression in the Scottish wildcat (2001) Molecular Ecology, 10, pp. 319-336; Blas Aritio, L., (1964) Estudio de la Distribución de Algunas Alimañas Españolas Incluidas en la Clase Mammalia, , S.N.P.F.C., Madrid, Spain; Castells, A., Mayo, M., (1993) Guía de los Mamíferos en Libertad de España y Portugal, , Ed. Pirámide S.A., Madrid, Spain; Cavallini, P., Faces count as an index of fox abundance (1994) Acta Theriologica, 39, pp. 417-424; Conroy, J.W.H., French, D.D., The use of spraints to monitor populations of otters (Lutra lutra) (1987) Symposia of the Zoological Society of London, 58, pp. 247-262; Corbett, L.K., Current research on wildcats: Why have they increased? (1978) Scottish Wildlife, 14, pp. 17-21; Corbett, L.K., (1979) Feeding Ecology and Social Organization of Wildcats (Felis silvestris) and Domestic Cats (Felis catus) in Scotland, , Ph.D. Thesis, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK, 296 pp; (1992) Seminar on the Biology and Conservation of the Wildcat (Felis silvestris), , Nancy, France, 23-25 September 1992. Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France; Daniels, M.J., Balharry, D., Hirst, D., Kitchener, A.C., Aspinall, R.J., Morphological and pelage characteristics of wild living cats in Scotland: Implications for defining the 'wildcat' (1998) Journal of Zoology London, 244, pp. 231-247; Daniels, M.J., Beaumont, M.A., Johnson, P.J., Balharry, D., Macdonald, D.W., Barratt, E., Ecology and genetics of wild-living cats in the north-east of Scotland and the implications for the conservation of the wildcat (2001) Journal of Applied Ecology, 38, pp. 146-161; Dötterer, M., Bernhart, F., The occurrence of wildcats in the southern Swiss Jura Mountains (1996) Acta Theriologica, 41, pp. 205-209; Easterbee, N., Hepburn, L.V., Jefferies, D.J., (1991) Survey of the Status and Distribution of the Wildcat in Scotland, 1983-1987, , Nature Conservancy Council for Scotland, Peterborough, UK; Fernaández, E., De Lope, F., De La Cruz, C., Morphologie crânienne du chat sauvage (Felis silvestris) dans le sud de la Peninsule ibérique: Importance de l'introgression par le chat domestique (Felis catus) (1992) Mammalia, 56, pp. 255-264; Ferreras, P., Revilla, E., Delibes, M., Pequeños y medianos carnívoros ibéricos (1999) Biológica, 28, pp. 14-37; Genovesi, P., Boitani, L., (1992) Spacing Patterns and Activity Rhythms of a Wildcat (Felis silvestris) in Italy. Seminar on the Biology and Conservation of the Wildcat (Felis silvestris), pp. 98-101. , Nancy, France, 23-25 September 1992. Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France; Gil-Sánchez, J.M., Valenzuela, G., Sánchez, J.F., Iberian wild cat Felis silvestris tartessia predation on rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus: Functional response and age selection (1999) Acta Theriologica, 44, pp. 421-428; Guggisberg, C.A.W., (1975) Wild Cats of the World, , David and Charles, Newton Abbott, UK; Hewson, R., The food of wild cats (Felis silvestris) and red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in west and north-east Scotland (1983) Journal of Zoology London, 200, pp. 283-289; Hossfeld, E., Reif, U., Reith, U., (1992) The Wildcat in the Taunus Mountains: Results of Preliminary Investigations and a Draft of a Research and Protection Project. Seminar on the Biology and Conservation of the Wildcat (Felis silvestris), pp. 46-51. , Nancy, France, 23-25 September 1992. Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France; Hubbard, A.L., McOrist, S., Jones, T.W., Boid, R., Scott, R., Easterbee, N., Is survival of European wildcats Felis silvestris in Britain threatened by interbreeding with domestic cats? (1992) Biological Conservation, 61, pp. 203-208; Langley, P.J.W., Yalden, D.W., The decline of the rarer carnivores in Great Britain during the nineteenth century (1977) Mammal Review, 7, pp. 95-116; Moreno, S., Villafuerte, R., Traditional management of scrubland for the conservation of rabbits and their predators in Doñana National Park, Spain (1995) Biological Conservation, 72, pp. 81-85; Nowell, K., Jackson, P., (1996) The Wild Cats: Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan, , International Union for Nature Conservation/Cat Specialist Group, Gland, Switzerland; Ozenda, P., (1982) Les Vegetaux Dans le Biosphère, , Doin Editeurs, Paris; Palma, L., Beja, P., Rodrigues, M., The use of sighting data to analyse Iberian lynx habitat and distribution (1999) Journal of Applied Ecology, 36, pp. 812-824; Parent, G.H., La migration récente, à caractère invasionnel, du chat sauvage, Felis silvestris silvestris Schreber, en Lorraine Belge (1975) Mammalia, 39, pp. 251-288; Ragni, B., Observations on the ecology and behaviour of the wild cat (Felis silvestris Schreber, 1777) in Italy (1978) Carnivore Genetics Newsletters, 3, pp. 270-274; Ragni, B., Gatto selvatico Felis silvestris Schreber, 1777 (1981) Distribuzione e Biología di 22 Specie di Mamíferi in Italia, Roma, pp. 105-113. , Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Rome; Rivas-Martínez, S., Fernández-González, F., Sánchez-Mata, D., El sistema central: De la sierra de ayllón a serra da estrela (1987) La Vegetación de España, pp. 419-451. , Peinado M. and Rivas-Martínez S. (eds). Publicaciones Universidad de Alcalá, Madrid, Spain; (1997) Atlas Provisional de los Carnívoros de la Comunidad Valenciana, , Dirección General del Medio Natural, Generalitat de Valencia, Valencia, Spain; Sarmento, P., Feeding ecology of the European wildcat Felis silvestris in Portugal (1996) Acta Theriologica, 41, pp. 409-414; Schauenberg, P., Elements d'ecologie du chat forestier d'Europe Felis silvestris Schreber, 1777 (1981) Revue d'Écologie (Terre et Vie), 35, pp. 3-36; Scott, R., Easterbee, N., Jefferies, D., (1992) A Radio-tracking Study of Wildcats in Western Scotland. Seminar on the Biology and Conservation of the Wildcat (Felis silvestris), pp. 94-97. , Nancy, France, 23-25 September 1992. Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France; Stahl, P., Artois, M., Aubert, M.F.A., Organisation spatiale et déplacements des chats forestiers adultes (Felis silvestris, Schreber, 1777) en Lorraine (1988) Revue d'Écologie (Terre et Vie), 43, pp. 113-131; Stahl, P., Artois, M., (1991) Status and Conservation of the Wild Cat (Felis silvestris) in Europe and Around the Mediterranean Rim, , Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France; Stahl, P., Leger, F., Le chat sauvage (Felis silvestris, Schreber, 1777) (1992) Encyclopédie des Carnivores de France, , Artois M. and Maurin H. (eds). Société Française pour l'Etude et la Protection des Mammifères (S.F.E.P.M.), Bohallard, Puceul, France; Underwood, A.J., (1996) Experiments in Ecology, , Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK; Urra, F., Utilización del espacio por el gato montés (Felis silvestris) en Navarra (1997) III Jornadas Españolas de Conservación y Estudio de Mamíferos, Castelló d'Empúries (Girona), 5-7 Diciembre 1997, p. 86. , Sociedad Española para la Conservación y Estudio de los Mamíferos (SECEM), Malaga, Spain; Virgós, E., Casanovas, J.G., Distribution patterns of the stone marten (Martes foina) in Mediterranean mountains of central Spain (1998) Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde, 63, pp. 193-199; Wittmer, H.U., Home range size, movements, and habitat utilisation of three male European wildcats (Felis silvestris Schreber, 1777) in Saarland and Rheinland-Pfalz (Germany) (2001) Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde, 66, pp. 365-370

PY - 2003/5/1

Y1 - 2003/5/1

N2 - The European wildcat (Felis silvestris) is a threatened species in Europe. Suitable management of forests has been considered crucial for its conservation in Europe. However, this recommendation may not be general due to the lack of studies that test these hypotheses in the Mediterranean area, where landscapes are very different from those of central-north Europe. In this study, wild-living cat habitat associations were analyzed by means of scat surveys in 78 areas distributed in the four main vegetation types of the Mediterranean area of central Spain, where feral cat populations are probably scarce and restricted. Results show higher occurrences of wild-living cats in landscapes covered by scrub-pastureland mosaics rather than forests. Several applied recommendations are given: (1) to include the scrub-pastureland mosaics as protected habitats for wildcats; (2) to encourage further studies about the importance of this habitat in other areas; (3) to avoid the extensive scrubland removal associated with management practices against fires or infrastructure development; and (4) to promote land management practices that enhance these mosaics, and to use shrub species in the reforestation programmes founded by the European Agricultural Policy.

AB - The European wildcat (Felis silvestris) is a threatened species in Europe. Suitable management of forests has been considered crucial for its conservation in Europe. However, this recommendation may not be general due to the lack of studies that test these hypotheses in the Mediterranean area, where landscapes are very different from those of central-north Europe. In this study, wild-living cat habitat associations were analyzed by means of scat surveys in 78 areas distributed in the four main vegetation types of the Mediterranean area of central Spain, where feral cat populations are probably scarce and restricted. Results show higher occurrences of wild-living cats in landscapes covered by scrub-pastureland mosaics rather than forests. Several applied recommendations are given: (1) to include the scrub-pastureland mosaics as protected habitats for wildcats; (2) to encourage further studies about the importance of this habitat in other areas; (3) to avoid the extensive scrubland removal associated with management practices against fires or infrastructure development; and (4) to promote land management practices that enhance these mosaics, and to use shrub species in the reforestation programmes founded by the European Agricultural Policy.

KW - Felis silvestris

KW - Forests

KW - Landscape and micro-habitat scales

KW - Mediterranean area

KW - Scrublands

KW - Wild-living cats

KW - conservation management

KW - endangered species

KW - felid

KW - habitat conservation

KW - habitat mosaic

KW - pasture

KW - scrub

KW - Spain

KW - Felidae

KW - Felis

KW - Felis catus

KW - Scatophagus argus

UR -

U2 - 10.1023/A:1022821708594

DO - 10.1023/A:1022821708594

M3 - Journal articles

VL - 12

SP - 921

EP - 935

JO - Biodiversity and Conservation

JF - Biodiversity and Conservation

SN - 0960-3115

IS - 5

ER -