Deviant Davids and greying Goliaths: micro-initiatives to induce growth

Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksChapter


  • Steffen Farny
  • Nina Heiska
  • Tapio Pohjalainen
  • Muhammad Shafiq
  • Venkata Bandi
  • Mircea Cozma
  • Tatu Lyytinen
The traditional national industrial fields have weakened in Finland. Renewing the industries and finding new strongholds for global competence requires new ways of thinking and new initiatives. The general perception based on the existing scientific literature and government reports proposes a variety of micro- and macro-level approaches. We propose three alternatives for cooperation between universities and companies: transfer of tacit knowledge, lifelong learning and creating an entrepre-neurial mindset. In this chapter, we argue that the innovation process has been insti-tutionalised to support macro-level structures and that more micro-level approaches are actually needed to encourage a more entrepreneurial mindset. We suggest incen-tivising micro-level activities as a means of shifting current mindsets and the working culture, building informal regional networks and encouraging this type of behaviour. The Pessa model serves as an encouraging benchmark for making these changes.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationBIT BANG 5: Changing Global Landscapes : Role of Policy Making and Innovation Capability
EditorsErkki Ormala Yrjö Neuvo, Elina Karvonen
Number of pages24
Place of PublicationEspoo
PublisherAalto ARTS Books
Publication date2013
ISBN (print)978-952-60-3633-5
ISBN (electronic)978-952-60-3634-2
Publication statusPublished - 2013
Externally publishedYes


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