Correction to: Tourists’ valuation of nature in protected areas: A systematic review (Ambio, (2023), 52, 6, (1065-1084), 10.1007/s13280-023-01845-0)

Research output: Journal contributionsComments / Debate / ReportsResearch


In the original published article, authors have identified a mismatch between the main text, figures, and the provided data set. While the figures are correct and align with the data set whereas the main text contains incorrect information. The sentence “Terrestrial ecosystems were more studied (n = 139; 70%) than marine (n = 61; 30%) and freshwater ecosystems (n = 46; 19%) (Fig. 4a)” appearing in the section Ecological and social characteristics of case studies should have been “Terrestrial ecosystems were more studied (n = 134; 88%%) than marine (n = 61; 40%) and freshwater ecosystems (n = 46; 30%) (Fig. 4a)”. And the sentence “Most articles collected quantitative data (n = 114; 75% of all articles), followed by qualitative data (n = 24; 17%) and both data types (n = 5; 5%) (Fig. 5a)” appearing in the sub section Data collection and analysis should have been “Most articles collected quantitative data (n = 114; 75% of all articles), followed by qualitative data (n = 26; 17%) and both data types (n = 8; 5%) (Fig. 5a).” The original article has been corrected.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)756-757
Number of pages2
Publication statusPublished - 30.01.2025

Bibliographical note

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© The Author(s) 2024.