Action anticipation based on an agent's epistemic state in toddlers and adults

Research output: other publicationsOtherResearch


  • Tobias Schuwerk
  • Dora Kampis
  • Renée Baillargeon
  • Szilvia Biro
  • Krista Byers-Heinlein
  • Sebastian Dörrenberg
  • Cynthia Fisher
  • Laura Franchin
  • Tess Fulcher
  • Isa Garbisch
  • Alessandra Geraci
  • Charlotte Grosse Wiesmann
  • Kiley Hamlin
  • Daniel B. M. Haun
  • Robert Hepach
  • Sabine Hunnius
  • Daniel C. Hyde
  • Petra Karman
  • Heather Kosakowski
  • Ágnes Melinda Kovács
  • Anna Krämer
  • Louisa Kulke
  • Crystal Lee
  • Casey Lew-Williams
  • Ulf Liszkowski
  • Kyle Mahowald
  • Olivier Mascaro
  • Marlene Meyer
  • David Moreau
  • Josef Perner
  • Diane Poulin-Dubois
  • Lindsey J Powell
  • Beate Priewasser
  • Marina Proft
  • Gal Raz
  • Peter Joseph Reschke
  • Josephine Ross
  • Katrin Rothmaler
  • Rebecca Saxe
  • Dana Schneider
  • Victoria Southgate
  • Luca Surian
  • Anna-Lena Tebbe
  • Birgit Träuble
  • Angeline Tsui
  • Annie E. Wertz
  • Amanda Woodward
  • Francis Yuen
  • Amanda Rose Yuile
  • Luise Zellner
  • Lucie Zimmer
  • Michael C. Frank
  • Hannes Rakoczy
Do toddlers and adults engage in spontaneous Theory of Mind (ToM)? Evidence from anticipatory looking (AL) studies suggests that they do. But a growing body of failed replication studies raised questions about the paradigm’s suitability. In this multi-lab collaboration, we test the robustness of spontaneous ToM measures. We examine whether 18- to 27-month-olds’ and adults’ anticipatory looks distinguish between two basic forms of an agent’s epistemic states: knowledge and ignorance. In toddlers [ANTICIPATED n = 520 50% FEMALE] and adults [ANTICIPATED n = 408, 50% FEMALE] from diverse ethnic backgrounds, we found [SUPPORT/NO SUPPORT] for epistemic state-based action anticipation. Future research can probe whether this conclusion extends to more complex kinds of epistemic states, such as true and false beliefs.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusSubmitted - 14.02.2021

    Research areas

  • Psychology - anticipatory looking, replication, spontaneous Theory of Mind

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