Wirtschaftsethik – Quo vadis? Symposion der Leuphana Universität Lüneburg am 10./11. Februar 2012

Project: Scientific event

Project participants


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  1. A systematic review of guiding principles for sustainable urban neighborhood development
  2. Compressive deformation of as-extruded LPSO-containing Mg alloys at different temperatures
  3. Influence of zinc and silver additions on hot tearing susceptibility of Mg-14Gd-0.4Zr alloy
  4. On the impact of network size and average degree on the robustness of centrality measures
  5. Identifikation kritischer Punkte am Hybridkraftwerk Offshore aus umweltplanerischer Sicht
  6. Long-term stream invertebrate community alterations induced by the insecticide thiacloprid
  7. Ice clamping system in manufacturing systems as a cyber-physical system towards Industry 4.0
  8. Supportive Mental Health Self-Monitoring among Smartphone Users with Psychological Distress
  9. Future ecosystem service provision under land-use change scenarios in southwestern Ethiopia
  10. Governing Agricultural Biotechnologies in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany
  11. Addressing social representations in socio-technical transitions with the case of shale gas
  12. Was ist eine gute Aufgabe? Analyse und Weiterentwicklung der unterrichtlichen Aufgabenkultur
  13. Aportes de la agrobiodiversidad a la sustentabilidad de la agricultura familiar en Colombia
  14. The long-term effects of wall attached microalgal biofilm on algae-based wastewater treatment
  15. Ein internetbasiertes Programm für Personen mit Diabetes mellitus und komorbider Depression
  16. Lokale Konflikte um Agro-Gentechnik als Folge von Entscheidungen zwischen Freiheit und Zwang
  17. Estimated substitution elasticities of a nested CES production function approach for Germany
  18. A multiple-trait analysis of ecohydrological acclimatisation in a dryland phreatophytic shrub
  19. Corrosion behavior of multi-layer friction surfaced structure from dissimilar aluminum alloys