ISPoS - Interdisciplinary Study Program on Sustainability

Project: Teaching

Project participants


Aim of this project is to develop and to evaluate a blended-learning study program in Czech - German collaboration for bachelor students of Charles University of Prague and Leuphana University of Lüneburg. The program is intended to offer an interdisciplinary and international learning environment for students to acquire competencies for contributing actively and shaping a sustainable development.

In a learning platform students will work collaboratively on future related topics, analyze consequences of global change and elaborate sustainable possibilities of solutions. The final module of the study program will be a summer school.

This project is focusing on three major aspects:

1. Development and integration (curriculum) of a two semester study program
2. Implementation of the study program and summer school
3. Evaluation

This project is conducted in cooperation with Charles University Environment Center (CUEC) in Prague
AcronymISPoS – Interdisciplinary Study Program on Sustainability

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