
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus aliquam vehicula felis, viverra bibendum lacus pretium non. Pellentesque in diam feugiat felis sagittis fringilla sit amet imperdiet elit.

  1. Postdoc scholarship/Habilitation scholarship in Leuphana Universität Lüneburg

    Zhang, K. (Recipient), 01.11.2018

    Prize: Leuphana internal Prize, Scholaships, distinctions, appointmentsResearch

  2. POSCO-Stipendiat am East West Center, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, USA

    Welzel, C. (Recipient), 2009

    Prize: external Prizes, scholarships, distinctions, appointmentsResearch

  3. Platz 95 im Handelsblatt-Ranking 2017 für Volkswirte (Forschungsoutput seit 2013)

    Pfeifer, C. (Recipient), 2017

    Prize: external Prizes, scholarships, distinctions, appointmentsResearch

  4. Platz 288 im Handelsblatt-Ranking 2017 für Volkswirte (Lifetime)

    Pfeifer, C. (Recipient), 2017

    Prize: external Prizes, scholarships, distinctions, appointmentsResearch

  5. Platz 287 im Handelsblatt-Ranking 2019 für Volkswirte (Lifetime)

    Pfeifer, C. (Recipient), 2019

    Prize: external Prizes, scholarships, distinctions, appointmentsResearch

  6. Plansecur Wissenschaftspreis 2013

    Hansen, E. G. (Recipient), 20.11.2013

    Prize: external Prizes, scholarships, distinctions, appointmentsResearch

  7. PhD Thesis Presentation Contest 2016

    Dumchev, M. (Recipient), 21.09.2016

    Prize: external Prizes, scholarships, distinctions, appointmentsResearch

  8. PhD Scholarship Hans-Böckler Stiftung

    Lührsen, R. (Recipient), 01.02.2023

    Prize: external Prizes, scholarships, distinctions, appointmentsResearch

  9. PhD Scholarship from the Foundation of German Business

    Lam, D. (Recipient), 2016

    Prize: external Prizes, scholarships, distinctions, appointmentsEducation