Markus Mühling

Prof. Dr.

Markus Mühling


Prof. Dr. Markus Mühling

  1. 2011
  2. Fundamental Theology: (Value Judgement II)

    Mühling, M., 2011, Religion Past and Present: encyclopedia of theology and religion. Betz, H. D. (ed.). 4 ed. Leiden: Brill, Vol. 13. 1 p.

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksArticles for encyclopediaResearch

  3. Fundamental Theology

    Mühling, M., 2011, Religion Past and Present: encyclopedia of theology and religion. Betz, H. D. (ed.). 4 ed. Leiden: Brill, Vol. 9. 2 p.

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksArticles for encyclopediaResearch

  4. Grisebach, Eberhard

    Mühling, M., 2011, Religion Past and Present: encyclopedia of theology and religion. Betz, H. D. (ed.). 4 ed. Leiden: Brill, Vol. 5. 1 p.

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksArticles for encyclopediaResearch

  5. History of Theology

    Mühling, M., 2011, Religion Past and Present. Betz, H. D. (ed.). 4 ed. Leiden: Brill, Vol. 9. 5 p.

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksArticles for encyclopediaResearch

  6. Immanent/Economic Trinity

    Mühling, M., 2011, Religion Past and Present: encyclopedia of theology and religion. Betz, H. D. (ed.). 4 ed. Leiden: Brill, Vol. 6. 4 p.

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksArticles for encyclopediaResearch

  7. Immanentism

    Mühling, M., 2011, Religion Past and Present: encyclopedia of theology and religion. Betz, H.-D. (ed.). 4 ed. Leiden: Brill, Vol. 6. 3 p.

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksArticles for encyclopediaResearch

  8. Logic

    Mühling, M., 2011, Religion Past and Present: encyclopedia of theology and religion. Betz, H. D. (ed.). 4 ed. Leiden: Brill, Vol. 7. 8 p.

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksArticles for encyclopediaResearch

  9. Meaning: (Love of One's Neighbor I)

    Mühling, M., 2011, Religion Past and Present: encyclopedia of theology and religion. Betz, H. D. (ed.). 4 ed. Leiden: Brill, Vol. 7. 1 p.

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksArticles for encyclopediaResearch

  10. Oberstufe Religion NEU: Gott. Schülerheft

    Rupp, H. & Mühling, M., 2011, Stuttgart: Calwer Verlag GmbH. 80 p. (Oberstufe Religion NEU)

    Research output: Books and anthologiesCompendium/lecture notesEducation

  11. Philosophy of Religion: (Divine Action III)

    Mühling, M., 2011, Religion Past and Present: encyclopedia of theology and religion. Betz, H. D. (ed.). 4 ed. Leiden: Brill, Vol. 4. 3 p.

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksArticles for encyclopediaResearch

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