Kathrin Korhammer
Kathrin Korhammer
- Chemistry
- Energy research
Research areas
Development and characterization of synthesis procedures for thermochemical materials
Korhammer, K. (Project manager, academic)
24.05.13 → 24.05.16
Project: Dissertation project
IP KT8 Thermische Batterie II
Ruck, W. (Project manager, academic), Opel, O. (Project staff), Osterland, T. (Project manager, academic), Weist, K. (Project staff), Fopah Lele, A. (Project staff), N'Tsoukpoe, K. E. (Project staff), Korhammer, K. (Project staff), Rammelberg, H. U. (Project staff) & Watts, B. A. (Project staff)
Investitions- und Förderbank Niedersachsen – NBank
01.10.11 → 31.07.15
Project: Other