Ilia Antenucci
Dr. Ilia Antenucci
- Digital media - Cities, Algorithms, Urban Studies, Science and Technology Studies, AI
- Politics
Research areas
- 2023
Circulation Obsession – Following the Flows and Flaws of Big Tech’s Urban Logistical Infrastructures
Voigt, M.-L. (Coauthor), Beverungen, A. (Coauthor) & Antenucci, I. (Coauthor)
17.03.2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference Presentations › Research
- 2022
Amazon's Urban Speculation
Antenucci, I. (Speaker), Voigt, M.-L. (Speaker) & Beverungen, A. (Speaker)
07.07.2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference Presentations › Research
Amazon’s Urban Speculations
Antenucci, I. (Speaker), Voigt, M.-L. (Speaker) & Beverungen, A. (Speaker)
16.06.2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference Presentations › Research