Claudia Kemfert

Prof. Dr.

  1. Working papers › Research
  2. Simulation of economic losses from tropical cyclones in the years 2015 and 2050: the effects of anthropogenic climate change and growing wealth

    Schmidt, S., Kemfert, C. & Faust, E., 08.2009, Berlin: Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW), 29 p. (DIW Discussion Papers; no. 914).

    Research output: Working paperWorking papers

  3. Subsidies for learning in renewable energy technologies under market power and emission trading

    Traber, T. & Kemfert, C., 05.2011, Berlin: Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW), 18 p. (DIW Discussion Papers; no. 1126).

    Research output: Working paperWorking papers

  4. The Bali Convention: flexibility of targets and instruments inevitable

    Kemfert, C., 09.2007, Berlin: Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW), 23 p. (DIW Discussion Papers; no. 729).

    Research output: Working paperWorking papers

  5. The cost of climate change to the German fruit vegetation sector

    Kemfert, C. & Kremers, H., 2009, Berlin: Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW), 20 p. (DIW Discussion Papers; no. 857).

    Research output: Working paperWorking papers

  6. The Effect of Market Power on Electricity Storage Utilization: The Case of Pumped Hydro Storage in Germany

    Schill, W-P. & Kemfert, C., 2010, Berlin: Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW), 24 p. (DIW Discussion Papers; no. 947).

    Research output: Working paperWorking papers

  7. The Environmental and Economic Effects of European Emissions Trading

    Kemfert, C., Kohlhaas, M., Truong, T. P. & Protsenko, A., 11.2005, Berlin: Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW), 21 p. (DIW Discussion Papers; no. 533).

    Research output: Working paperWorking papers

  8. The impact of domestic and global biofuel mandates on the German agricultural sector

    Banse, M., Sorda, G. & Kemfert, C., 10.2009, Berlin: Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW), 97 p. (DIW Discussion Papers; no. 939).

    Research output: Working paperWorking papers

  9. Tropical cyclone losses in the USA and the impact of climate change: a trend analysis based on a new dataset

    Schmidt, S., Kemfert, C. & Höppe, P., 2008, Berlin: Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW), 33 p. (DIW Discussion Papers; no. 802).

    Research output: Working paperWorking papers

  10. Wann Deutschland sein Klimaziel für 2020 tatsächlich erreicht

    Oei, P. Y., Kendziorski, M., Walk, P., Kemfert, C. & Hirschhausen, C. V., 10.2019, Berlin: Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW), 14 p. (Politikberatung kompakt; no. 143).

    Research output: Working paperWorking papers

  11. Weichenstellung Kohlekonsens: Kohlevorräte ermöglichen den Erhalt des Hambacher Waldes und aller noch bedrohten Dörfer

    Oei, P-Y., Rieve, C., Hirschhausen, C. V. & Kemfert, C., 01.2019, Berlin: Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW), 28 p. (Politikberatung kompakt; no. 131).

    Research output: Working paperWorking papers

  12. What about coal? Interactions between climate policies and the global steam coal market until 2030

    Haftendorn, C., Kemfert, C. & Holz, F., 2011, Berlin: Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW), 22 p. (DIW Discussion Papers; no. 1146).

    Research output: Working paperWorking papers

  13. WIATEC - a world integrated assessment model of global trade environment and climate change

    Truong, T. P. & Kemfert, C., 2010, Berlin: Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW), 42 p. (DIW Discussion Papers; no. 1021).

    Research output: Working paperWorking papers

  14. Book › Research
  15. Das fossile Imperium schlägt zurück: Warum wir die Energiewende jetzt verteidigen müssen

    Kemfert, C., 2017, Hamburg: Murmann Verlag GmbH. 143 p.

    Research output: Books and anthologiesBook

  16. Energiewende "Made in Germany": Low carbon electricity sector reform in the European context

    von Hirschhausen, C. (ed.), Gerbaulet, C. (ed.), Kemfert, C. (ed.), Lorenz, C. (ed.) & Oei, P. Y. (ed.), 24.12.2018, Cham: Springer International Publishing AG. 387 p.

    Research output: Books and anthologiesBook

  17. Comments / Debate / Reports › Research
  18. 20-20-20 Competitiveness and Conflicts

    Kemfert, C., 2008, In: Journal of Nordregio. 8, 2, p. 26-27 2 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsComments / Debate / ReportsResearch

  19. Amerika im Fracking-Boom: Langfristiges Eldorado für energieintensive Industrien?

    Kemfert, C., 2013, In: DIW Wochenbericht. 80, 49, p. 44 1 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsComments / Debate / ReportsResearch

  20. Published

    A Real Chance for the Transatlantic Partnership on Climate Policy

    Kemfert, C., 01.01.2021, In: Intereconomics. 56, 1, p. 20-22 3 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsComments / Debate / ReportsResearch

  21. Atomenergie: Renaissance nein danke

    Kemfert, C., 2009, In: DIW Wochenbericht. 76, 9, p. 148 1 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsComments / Debate / ReportsResearch

  22. Atomfonds: Bad Bank ist Bad Deal

    Kemfert, C., 01.04.2015, In: Wirtschaftsdienst. 95, 4, p. 228-229 2 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsComments / Debate / ReportsResearch

  23. Atomkonsens II könnte Element zukunftsweisender Energiepolitik sein

    Kemfert, C., 2008, In: DIW Wochenbericht. 75, 29, p. 416 1 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsComments / Debate / ReportsResearch