Professorship of Psychology, especially sustainable behaviour
Organisational unit: Professoship
- 2017
Eliciting energization by mentally contrasting future and reality
Timur Sevincer (Speaker) & Gabriele Oettingen (Coauthor)
05.2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference Presentations › Research
Reducing ongoing slot machine gambling under the influence of alcohol
Greta Wagner (Speaker), Timur Sevincer (Coauthor) & Gabriele Oettingen (Coauthor)
03.2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference Presentations › Research
Regulating alcohol use and its concequences
Timur Sevincer (Speaker) & Gabriele Oettingen (Coauthor)
2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference Presentations › Research
- 2016
Alkohol-Myopie und Glückspiel: Ein hilfreiches Getränk? [Alcohol-myopia and gambling: a useful beverage?]
Greta Wagner (Speaker), Timur Sevincer (Coauthor) & Gabriele Oettingen (Coauthor)
09.2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference Presentations › Research
Ego-Depletion und Mentale Kontrastierung [ego depletion and mental contrasting]
Timur Sevincer (Speaker) & Gabriele Oettingen (Coauthor)
09.2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference Presentations › Research
Self-regulation of energization and direction
Gabriele Oettingen (Speaker) & Timur Sevincer (Coauthor)
08.2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference Presentations › Research
Using cardiovascular measures to integrate two theories: motivational intensity theory and mental contrasting
Timur Sevincer (Speaker) & Gabriele Oettingen (Coauthor)
08.2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference Presentations › Research
- 2015
Situational predictors of spontaneous mental contrasting
Timur Sevincer (Speaker) & Gabriele Oettingen (Coauthor)
05.2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference Presentations › Research
Thinking about the future
Timur Sevincer (Speaker) & Gabriele Oettingen (Coauthor)
05.2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference Presentations › Research
Mental Contrasting and Energization
Timur Sevincer (Speaker) & Gabriele Oettingen (Coauthor)
03.2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference Presentations › Research