Professorship for Modelling and Simulation of Technical Systems and Processes

Organisational unit: Professoship

Main research areas

By combining methods from the fields of information technology and operations research, production processes can be designed to be more efficient. The application of algorithms can be developed and tested in our own laboratory through the use of demonstrators.

We can simulate sequence planning and the optimisation of set-up times, as well as maintenance plans or resource allocation. The use of autonomous robots and the development of efficient planning strategies for vehicles can also be evaluated through simulations. Parameter studies and sensitivity analyses are also possible thanks to a range of interfaces.

Machine learning methods such as Gaussian processes & neural networks can predict figures based on system utilisation. Among other things, this enables the dynamic selection of control rules. What’s more, this also enables the evaluation of cause-effect relationships within processes, as well as an evaluation of the correlations between (input) parameters and their effects on the process.

Some examples of typical problems include optimising the installation and maintenance of wind turbines, optimising how high-priority tasks are dealt with in production operations, optimising intralogistics using the example of goods provision in the retail industry, dynamic rule selection in sequence planning and much more.

  1. 2024
  2. Institute for production technology and systems (Organisational unit)

    Heger, J. (Deputy member)

    17.04.2024 → …

    Activity: MembershipLeuphana academic councils and committeesLeuphana Academic Committees

  3. 2023
  4. College (Organisational unit)

    Heger, J. (Chair)

    2023 → …

    Activity: MembershipLeuphana academic councils and committeesLeuphana Academic Committees

  5. College (Organisational unit)

    Müller, K. (Member)

    2023 → …

    Activity: MembershipLeuphana academic councils and committeesLeuphana Academic Committees

  6. 2022
  7. Promotionsstudium & Stipendien (Organisational unit)

    Heger, J. (Member)

    01.06.2022 → …

    Activity: MembershipLeuphana academic councils and committeesLeuphana Academic Committees

  8. 2020
  9. Winter Simulation Conference - WSC 2020

    Voß, T. (Moderator)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  10. Graduate School (Organisational unit)

    Heger, J. (Executive member)

    10.2020 → …

    Activity: MembershipLeuphana academic councils and committeesLeuphana Academic Committees

  11. Komplementärstudium (Organisational unit)

    Heger, J. (Member)

    10.2020 → …

    Activity: MembershipLeuphana academic councils and committeesLeuphana Academic Committees

  12. 2019
  13. Simulation in der Produktion und Logistik - ASIM 2019

    Voß, T. (Participant)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  14. Conference on Manufacturing Systems - CIRP 2019

    Voß, T. (Moderator)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  15. Konferenzvortrag in der Session "Automated Guided Vehicles"

    Voß, T. (presenter) & Heger, J. (Coauthor)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  16. 2018
  17. Konferenzteilnahme CIRP ICME 2018

    Voß, T. (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  18. Projektbeirat

    Heger, J. (Reviewer)

    06.2018 → …

    Activity: Other expert activitiesAcademic ConsultantResearch

  19. College (Organisational unit)

    Heger, J. (Chair)

    2018 → …

    Activity: MembershipLeuphana academic councils and committeesLeuphana Academic Committees

  20. Graduate School (Organisational unit)

    Heger, J. (Deputy member)

    2018 → …

    Activity: MembershipLeuphana academic councils and committeesLeuphana Academic Committees

  21. VDI Verein Deutscher Ingenieure e.V. (External organisation)

    Heger, J. (Member)

    2018 → …

    Activity: MembershipLearned societies and special interest organisationsResearch

  22. 2017
  23. Ressourceneffizienz vor Ort

    Voß, T. (Participant)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventExternal workshops, courses, seminarsTransfer

  24. Arbeitsgemeinschaft Simulation (ASIM) Fachtagung 2017

    Heger, J. (Participant)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  25. International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems

    Voß, T. (Participant)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventExternal workshops, courses, seminarsResearch

  26. Optimal scheduling for Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV) in blocking job-shops

    Voß, T. (presenter) & Heger, J. (presenter)


    Activity: Talk or presentationPresentations (poster etc.)Research

  27. Conference Presentation: Engaging the Listener in Your Talk

    Voß, T. (Participant)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventExternal workshops, courses, seminarsEducation

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