Organisation profile

The Centre for Sustainability Management (CSM) at Leuphana University Lüneburg is an internationally oriented centre of excellence in research, teaching and academic training as well as in knowledge transfer in the fields of entrepreneurial sustainability management, corporate social responsibility (CSR) and social entrepreneurship.


The Centre for Sustainability Management (CSM) at Leuphana University Lüneburg is an internationally oriented centre of excellence in research, teaching and academic training as well as in knowledge transfer in the fields of entrepreneurial sustainability management, corporate social responsibility (CSR) and social entrepreneurship.

Research areas: Foundations of sustainability management and corporate social responsibility; Measurement, information and communication of sustainability; Management of stakeholder relationships; Conservation management and integrative sustainability management; Continuous education; Perspectives of social entrepreneurship research; SCHub:Social Change Hub; Evolutionary agents; Ashoka Youth Venture

Continuing education products

The MBA in Sustainability Management is the first university MBA in sustainability management and corporate social responsibility (CSR) worldwide. The e-learning supported distance learning degree programme can be completed in either part-time (two years) or full-time (one year). The MBA in Sustainability Management is accredited according to European guidelines and leads to the internationally recognised degree "Master of Business Administration" (MBA).

The CSM is also active in a number of other international continuing education programmes in CSR and sustainability management. For years the Centre has collaborated in continuing education and distance programmes with the FernUniversität Hagen (Germany’s leading open university) and the Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Safety and Energy Technology (UMSICHT). The CSM organises the whole area of environmental management for their interdisciplinary programme of studies in environmental sciences (the Infernum Master of Science in Environmental Sciences at the UMSICHT Fraunhofer Institute).

  1. Critical reviews › Research
  2. Published
  3. Published
  4. Other › Transfer
  5. Published

    Außer der Reihe: Warum der Point of Sale Bedeutung hat

    Weber, U., 2013, Agenten des Nachhaltigkeitswandels: 10 Jahre unterwegs mit dem MBA Sustainability Management. Lüneburg: Centre for Sustainability Management, p. 64 1 p.

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksOtherTransfer

  6. Published

    Live-Bericht vom IKEA-Workshop 2006

    Kalisch, C., 2013, Agenten des Nachhaltigkeitswandels: 10 Jahre unterwegs mit dem MBA Sustainability Management. Lüneburg: Centre for Sustainability Management, p. 61 1 p.

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksOtherTransfer

  7. Published

    Wer gewinnt? Steigendes (DNP-)Anspruchsniveau an das Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement

    Schaltegger, S., 28.03.2023, Das Nachhaltigkeitsbuch 2023. Schulze-Hausmann, S. & Bachmann, G. (eds.). Düsseldorf: Stiftung Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitspreis e.V., p. 48-49 2 p.

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksOtherTransfer

  8. Other › Research
  9. Published

    Einleitung: Warum hacken?

    Hochmann, L. & Möller, S., 01.02.2024, Organisationen hacken: Einfallstore in eine nachhaltige Arbeitswelt. Hochmann, L. & Möller, S. (eds.). München: oekom verlag GmbH, p. 11-23 13 p.

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksOtherResearch

  10. Published

    Fazit: Wie hacken?

    Hochmann, L. & Möller, S., 01.02.2024, Organisationen hacken: Einfallstore in eine nachhaltige Arbeitswelt. Hochmann, L. & Möller, S. (eds.). München: oekom verlag GmbH, p. 403-411 9 p.

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksOtherResearch

  11. Published

    Vorwort von Stefan Schaltegger

    Schaltegger, S., 2014, CSR und Finance: Beitrag und Rolle des CFO für eine Nachhaltige Unternehmensführung. Schulz, T. & Bergius, S. (eds.). Berlin/Heidelberg: Gabler Verlag, p. VIII-X 3 p. (Management-Reihe Corporate Social Responsibility).

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksOtherResearch

  12. Contributions to collected editions/anthologies › Transfer › Peer-reviewed
  13. Published

    Kompetenzen impliziter Nachhaltigkeitsmanager stärken

    Schaltegger, S., 2015, Corporate Responsibility 2015: Jubiläumsausgabe - Bestandsaufnahme und Zukunftsperspektiven für Corporate Responsibility. Praum, K. & Wohnhas, N. (eds.). Frankfurt am Main: ACC Verlag & Services , p. 20-23 4 p. (Corporate Responsibility; vol. 2015, no. 10).

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksContributions to collected editions/anthologiesTransferpeer-review

  14. Published

    Strategisch fundiertes Nachhaltigkeitscontrolling – Konzeption und Umsetzung in der Praxis

    Schaltegger, S. & Zvezdov, D., 2012, Nachhaltigkeitscontrolling - Konzepte, Instrumente und Fallbeispiele für die Umsetzung. Gleich, R., Bartels, P. & Breisig, V. (eds.). Freiburg: Haufe Mediengruppe, p. 45-66 22 p. (Der Controlling-Berater; no. 21).

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksContributions to collected editions/anthologiesTransferpeer-review