Centre for Digital Cultures

Organisational unit: Institute

Organisation profile

Contemporary culture is characterized by the ubiquity of digital media technologies and infrastructures, which are constantly configuring our techniques for processing, storing, and transmitting data. As a result, our everyday practices of connecting, relating, reading, writing, perceiving, sharing, competing, and communicating are undergoing significant changes. At the same time, these technologies are closely tied to major societal challenges such as climate change, global conflicts, digital divides and social unjustness. In this dynamic context, the Centre for Digital Cultures (CDC) directly addresses the emergence of new and complex qualities of vernacular socio-technical life. This involves the development of advanced theory and innovative study programmes. We are concerned with the question of how we can understand and shape digital cultures today​​​​​​​.

Main research areas

The digital shift re-shapes the cultural sectors, and, indeed, everyday life, politics, law, and economics. the Centre for Digital Cultures (CDC), affiliated to Leuphana University of Lüneburg, examines this shift through a range of interdisciplinary methodologies, including media, cultural and social studies, through knowledge creation and transfer, as well as by developing experimental and interventionist media practices. Established in 2012, as one of the first research centres in Europe to research the emergence of digital cultures, the CDC continues to produce cutting-edge research on socio-technical regimes of inclusion and exclusion. Since its inception, the CDC has built an innovative network and research environment, where academic institutions, practitioners, and civil society stakeholders engage with new concepts, formats, and applications within digital cultures.

Current Research Areas

  • Climate Futures
  • (B)Orders, Identities and Belonging in the Digital Age
  • Cities, Infrastructures, Logistics, Platforms 
  1. Published

    Friedrich Kittler: E-Special Introduction

    Parikka, J. & Feigelfeld, P., 12.2015, In: Theory, Culture & Society. 32, 7-8, p. 349-358 10 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  2. Published

    Free work

    Beverungen, A., Otto, B., Spoelstra, S. & Kenny, K., 24.02.2013, In: Ephemera: Theory & Politics in Organization. 13, 1, p. 1-9 9 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearch

  3. Published

    Free Labour, Social Media, Management: Challenging Marxist Organization Studies

    Beverungen, A., Böhm, S. & Land, C., 04.2015, In: Organization Studies. 36, 4, p. 473-489 17 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  4. Published

    Foul Play in Context: Cardsharps and Spoilsports

    Fuchs, M., 2013, Context Matters!: Exploring and Reframing Games and Play in Context. Mitgutsch, K., Huber, S., Rosenstingl, H., Wagner, M. & Wimmer, J. (eds.). Wien: New Academic Press, p. 76 - 88 13 p.

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksContributions to collected editions/anthologiesResearchpeer-review

  5. Published

    Fort da. Ein Zirkular über bewegte Bücher: Fragen von Claus Pias. Antworten von Andreas Bernard, Timon Beyes, Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, Christian Kracht, Thomas Macho, Eckhart Nickel, Joseph Vogl und Sigrid Weigel

    Pias, C., Bernard, A., Beyes, T., Gumbrecht, H. U., Kracht, C., Macho, T., Nickel, E., Vogl, J. & Weigel, S., 2015, Das bewegte Buch: ein Katalog der gelesenen Bücher; mit 104 Beispielen aus dem Deutschen Literaturarchiv Marbach. Gfrereis, H. & Pias, C. (eds.). Marbach: Deutsche Schillergesellschaft e.V., p. 68-87 20 p. (Marbacher Magazin; vol. 150/151/152).

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksContributions to collected editions/anthologiesResearch

  6. Published

    Filmische Moderne: 60 Fragmente

    Fahle, O. (Editor), Gotto, L. (Editor), Neitzel, B. (Editor), Nowak, L. (Editor), Wagner, H. (Editor), Wendler, A. (Editor) & Wentz, D. (Editor), 27.02.2019, Bielefeld: transcript Verlag. 462 p.

    Research output: Books and anthologiesCollected editions and anthologiesResearch

  7. Published

    Fictions of the Possible: Art, the City and Public Entrepreneurship

    Beyes, T., 27.10.2015, In: Journal of Management Inquiry. 24, 4, p. 445-449 5 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  8. Published

    FEMINA POLITICAL - Zeitschrift für feministische Politikwissenschaft, Heft 2-2014

    Freudenschuß, M. (Editor) & Günther, J. (Editor), 11.2014, 2 ed. Verlag Babara Budrich. 196 p. (FEMINA POLITICAL - Zeitschrift für feministische Politikwissenschaft; vol. 23, no. 2)

    Research output: Books and anthologiesSpecial Journal issueResearch

  9. Published

    Faszinosum Maschine: Die Roboterperformances von Louis Philipp Demers & Bill Vorn

    Kaldrack, I. & Leeker, M., 2003, Es - das Wesen der Maschine. Demers, L. P. (ed.). Osnabrück: Europ. Media Art Festival, p. 10-33 23 p.

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksContributions to collected editions/anthologiesResearchpeer-review

  10. Published


    Beyes, T., 2018, Der Kreativitätskomplex: Ein Vademecum der Gegenwartsgesellschaft. Beyes, T. & Metelmann, J. (eds.). Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, p. 95-100 6 p.

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksContributions to collected editions/anthologiesResearch