The BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 0959-8138
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- 2013
- Published
Influence of initial severity of depression on effectiveness of low intensity interventions: meta-analysis of individual patient data
Bower, P., Kontopantelis, E., Sutton, A., Kendrick, T., Richards, D., Gilbody, S., Knowles, S., Cuijpers, P., Andersson, G., Christensen, H. M., Meyer, B., Huibers, M., Smit, F., Van Straten, A., Warmerdam, L., Barkham, M., Bilich, L., Lovell, K. & Liu, E.T.-H., 26.02.2013, In: The BMJ (Clinical research ed.). 346, 7899, 11 p., f540.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research › peer-review
- Published
Does cognitive behaviour therapy have an enduring effect that is superior to keeping patients on continuation pharmacotherapy? A meta-analysis
Cuijpers, P., Hollon, S. D., Van Straten, A., Bockting, C. L., Berking, M. & Andersson, G., 01.01.2013, In: The BMJ (Clinical research ed.). 3, 4, 9 p., e002542.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research › peer-review