Ecology and Society, ‎1708-3087


  1. Published

    The influence of landscape change on multiple dimensions of human–nature connectedness

    Riechers, M., Balázsi, Á., Abson, D. J. & Fischer, J., 01.09.2020, In: Ecology and Society. 25, 3, p. 1-12 12 p., 3.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  2. Published

    The politics of reflexive governance: Challenges for designing adaptive management and transition management

    Bornemann, B. & Voß, J.-P., 01.01.2011, In: Ecology and Society. 16, 2, 23 p., 9.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  3. Toward an ecology of disasters: a primer for the pursuit of ecological research on disasters

    Gibson, N. L., Green, E. A., Herrera-R, G. A., Love, S. J., Turner, S. C., Weatherton, M., Faidiga, A. S., Luo, A. R., Ngoh, M. L., Shershen, E., Yoon, H. S. & Blum, M. J., 01.12.2021, In: Ecology and Society. 26, 4, 21 p., 22.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  4. Published

    Toward spatial fit in the governance of global commodity flows

    Coenen, J., Sonderegger, G., Newig, J., Meyfroidt, P., Challies, E. R. T., Bager, S., Busck-Lumholt, L. M., Corbera, E., Friis, C., Frohn Pedersen, A., Laroche, P. C. S. J., Parra Paitan, C., Qin, S., Roux, N. & Zaehringer, J. G., 07.06.2023, In: Ecology and Society. 28, 2, 18 p., 24.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  5. Published

    Using meaningful places as an indicator for sense of place in the management of social-ecological systems

    Knaps, F., Gottwald, S., Albert, C. & Herrmann, S., 01.11.2022, In: Ecology and Society. 27, 4, 12 p., 9.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  6. Using visual stimuli to explore the social perceptions of ecosystem services in cultural landscapes: The case of transhumance in Mediterranean Spain

    López-Santiago, C. A., Oteros-Rozas, E., Martín-López, B., Plieninger, T., Martín, E. G. & González, J. A., 2014, In: Ecology and Society. 19, 2, 27.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  7. Published

    Visualizing stakeholders’ willingness for collective action in participatory scenario planning

    López-Rodríguez, M. D., Oteros-Rozas, E., Ruiz-Mallén, I., March, H., Horcea-Milcu, A. I., Heras, M., Cebrián-Piqueras, M. A., Andrade, R., Lo, V. B. P. G. & Piñeiro, C., 05.2023, In: Ecology and Society. 28, 2, 23 p., 5.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  8. Published

    Water-related problématiques: five archetypical contexts of water governance

    Bilalova, S., Villamayor-Tomas, S. & Newig, J., 01.2025, In: Ecology and Society. 30, 1, 40 p., 10.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  9. Welcoming different perspectives in IPBES: "Nature's contributions to people" and "Ecosystem services"

    Peterson, G. D., Harmackova, Z. V., Meacham, M., Queiroz, C., Jimenez-Aceituno, A., Kuiper, J. J., Malmborg, K., Sitas, N. & Bennett, E. M., 01.01.2018, In: Ecology and Society. 23, 1, 6 p., 39.

    Research output: Journal contributionsOther (editorial matter etc.)Research

  10. Published

    What factors enable social-ecological transformative potential? The role of learning practices, empowerment, and networking

    Tuckey, A. J., Harmáčková, Z. V., Peterson, G. D., Norström, A. V., Moore, M.-L., Olsson, P., Lam, D. & Jimenez-Aceituno, A., 2023, In: Ecology and Society. 28, 2, 20 p., 27.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review