Annali di Botanica, 0365-0812
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- Published
New ideas for modern phytosociological monographs
Dengler, J., Berg, C. & Jansen, F., 2005, In: Annali di Botanica. 5, p. 193-210 18 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research › peer-review
- Published
Working group on dry grasslands in the nordic and baltic region - Outline of the project and first results for the class Festuco-Brometea
Dengler, J., Rusina, S., Boch, S., Bruun, H. H., Diekmann, M., Dierßen, K., Dolnik, C., Dupré, C., Golub, V. B., Grytnes, J. A., Helm, A., Ingerpuu, N., Löbel, S., Pärtel, M., Rašomavičius, V., Tyler, G., Znamenskiy, S. R. & Zobel, M., 2006, In: Annali di Botanica. 6, p. 1-28 28 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research › peer-review