Podiumsgespräch mit Kathryn Bolkovac und Cornelius Friesendorf

Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventExternal workshops, courses, seminarsTransfer

Michael Schefczyk - Opponent

    Gender-Based Violence, Trafficking and UN Peacekeeping

    Panel discussion with Kathryn Bolkovac and Cornelius Friesendorf on "Gender-Based Violence, Trafficking and UN Peacekeeping”; afterwards screening of "The Whistleblower" and discussion with K. Bolkovac, C. Friesendorf co-producer Wolfgang Müller
    Podiumsgespräch mit Kathryn Bolkovac und Cornelius Friesendorf


    Podiumsgespräch mit Kathryn Bolkovac und Cornelius Friesendorf

    30.01.12 → …

    Leuphana Universität, Germany

    Event: Other