Media and Climate-friendly Behavior – Do Media have an Impact on Individual Action for Climate Protection?

Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsTransfer

Gesa Lüdecke - Speaker

Purpose: Identification of successful communication strategies for highlighting the importance of climate protection in the public debate and for motivating people to act against climate change

After the publication of the IPCC report in 2007, the topic of climate change has become high media attention and the urgency to act against climate change has become consensus for most parts of the public. But currently, not only due to the global economic crisis, the topic of climate change and climate protection is in danger of losing its weight in the public debate. This workshop aims to identify successful communication strategies for continuing to spread the topic of climate change and the need for action in times of decreasing interest.

The following questions will be discussed and clarified:

To what extent can climate protection be supported by communication?
How effective is communication in a context of climate protection?
How to identify successful communication strategies regarding climate protection?
Which communication strategies are effective and why?
What can be done to keep the topic of climate change on the top of the public debate and the political agenda?

Unabhängiges Institut für Umweltfragen


Communication, Education, Participation: Successful Ways to Climate Protection


Berlin, Germany

Event: Conference

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