XOperator - Interconnecting the semantic web and instant messaging networks

Publikation: Beiträge in SammelwerkenAufsätze in KonferenzbändenForschungbegutachtet


  • Sebastian Dietzold
  • Jörg Unbehauen
  • Sören Auer

Instant Messaging (IM) is in addition to Web and Email the most popular service on the Internet. With xOperator we present a strategy and implementation which deeply integrates Instant Messaging networks with the Semantic Web. The xOperator concept is based on the idea of creating an overlay network of collaborative information agents on top of social IM networks. It can be queried using a controlled and easily extensible language based on AIML templates. Such a deep integration of semantic technologies and Instant Messaging bears a number of advantages and benefits for users when compared to the separated use of Semantic Web technologies and IM, the most important ones being context awareness as well as provenance and trust. We showcase how the xOperator approach naturally facilitates contacts and calendar management as well as access to large scale heterogeneous information sources.

TitelThe Semantic Web : Research and Applications - 5th European Semantic Web Conference, ESWC 2008, Proceedings
HerausgeberSean Bechhofer, Manfred Hauswirth, Jörg Hoffmann, Manolis Koubarakis
Anzahl der Seiten15
ISBN (Print)3540682333, 9783540682332
ISBN (elektronisch)978-3-540-68234-9
PublikationsstatusErschienen - 2008
Veranstaltung5th European Semantic Web Conference - ESWC 2008 - Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spanien
Dauer: 01.06.200805.06.2008
Konferenznummer: 5