Workshop on impacts of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement on fisheries and aquaculture in the EU: Part I: Legal aspects

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Workshop on impacts of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement on fisheries and aquaculture in the EU: Part I: Legal aspects. / Schatz, Valentin; Proelss, Alexander.
Brüssel: Directorate-General for Internal Policies of the Union - European Parliament, 2021. 72 S.

Publikation: Bücher und AnthologienStudien- und UnterrichtsmaterialTransfer


Schatz, V & Proelss, A 2021, Workshop on impacts of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement on fisheries and aquaculture in the EU: Part I: Legal aspects. Directorate-General for Internal Policies of the Union - European Parliament, Brüssel.



Schatz V, Proelss A. Workshop on impacts of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement on fisheries and aquaculture in the EU: Part I: Legal aspects. Brüssel: Directorate-General for Internal Policies of the Union - European Parliament, 2021. 72 S. doi: 10.2861/185678


title = "Workshop on impacts of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement on fisheries and aquaculture in the EU: Part I: Legal aspects",
abstract = "This study is the first research paper in a series of three, commissioned for a PECH Committee Workshop. It provides an analysis of the legal aspects of the EU-UK TCA relating to fisheries.The analysis covers, inter alia, the scope of the fisheries provisions, conservation and management, fishing opportunities, arrangements on access to waters, arrangementson governance (including provisions on remedial measures, dispute settlement, institutional arrangements, termination, review and relationship with other agreements), and trade-related provisions with relevance for fisheries. It concludes with recommendations for the implementation of the fisheries provisions of the EU-UK TCA.",
keywords = "Law, aquaculture, authorised catch, conservation of fish stocks, cooperation agreement (EU), fisheries policy, fishery management, fishing permit, fishing rights, law of the sea, territorial waters, trade agreement (EU), United Kingdom",
author = "Valentin Schatz and Alexander Proelss",
note = "This document was requested by the European Parliament's Committee on Fisheries. (Catalogue number: QA-06-21-201-EN-N)",
year = "2021",
month = dec,
day = "30",
doi = "10.2861/185678",
language = "English",
isbn = "978-92-846-8792-3",
publisher = "Directorate-General for Internal Policies of the Union - European Parliament",
address = "European Union",




T1 - Workshop on impacts of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement on fisheries and aquaculture in the EU

T2 - Part I: Legal aspects

AU - Schatz, Valentin

AU - Proelss, Alexander

N1 - This document was requested by the European Parliament's Committee on Fisheries. (Catalogue number: QA-06-21-201-EN-N)

PY - 2021/12/30

Y1 - 2021/12/30

N2 - This study is the first research paper in a series of three, commissioned for a PECH Committee Workshop. It provides an analysis of the legal aspects of the EU-UK TCA relating to fisheries.The analysis covers, inter alia, the scope of the fisheries provisions, conservation and management, fishing opportunities, arrangements on access to waters, arrangementson governance (including provisions on remedial measures, dispute settlement, institutional arrangements, termination, review and relationship with other agreements), and trade-related provisions with relevance for fisheries. It concludes with recommendations for the implementation of the fisheries provisions of the EU-UK TCA.

AB - This study is the first research paper in a series of three, commissioned for a PECH Committee Workshop. It provides an analysis of the legal aspects of the EU-UK TCA relating to fisheries.The analysis covers, inter alia, the scope of the fisheries provisions, conservation and management, fishing opportunities, arrangements on access to waters, arrangementson governance (including provisions on remedial measures, dispute settlement, institutional arrangements, termination, review and relationship with other agreements), and trade-related provisions with relevance for fisheries. It concludes with recommendations for the implementation of the fisheries provisions of the EU-UK TCA.

KW - Law

KW - aquaculture

KW - authorised catch

KW - conservation of fish stocks

KW - cooperation agreement (EU)

KW - fisheries policy

KW - fishery management

KW - fishing permit

KW - fishing rights

KW - law of the sea

KW - territorial waters

KW - trade agreement (EU)

KW - United Kingdom

U2 - 10.2861/185678

DO - 10.2861/185678

M3 - Compendium/lecture notes

SN - 978-92-846-8792-3

BT - Workshop on impacts of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement on fisheries and aquaculture in the EU

PB - Directorate-General for Internal Policies of the Union - European Parliament

CY - Brüssel

ER -


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