Wireless power transmission via a multi-coil inductive system

Publikation: Beiträge in SammelwerkenKapitelbegutachtet


Wireless power transmission via inductive links is widely used to power wireless sensors, having power consumption in the range of micro to milliwatts. It presents many advantages, such as independency of environmental effects (e.g., humidity, temperature), easy accessibility (i.e., power can be sent to electronic devices having micro and/or nano-geometry), and high flexibility (i.e., the systemcan operate even at small lateral and/or axial misalignments). The idea behind the use of multicoil inductive systems, in which the sending and/or the receiving sides have multiple coils connected in series or in parallel, is to increase the efficiency of the inductive system in the case of lateral and/or misalignment, to provide energy to movable receivers and to increase their flexibility. In this chapter, we present, first, a general idea about the different types and classification of multi-coil inductive systems, followed by some examples from the literature. In the second section, we propose different analytical expressions of the equivalent parameters, such as the equivalent inductance of coupled coils, equivalentmutual inductance, induced voltage and induced current. These parameters are needed and are important for the optimization of all the inductive systems. In the last part, we propose the optimization of both transmitted power to the load and transmission efficiency of an example of a multi-coil inductive system by the study of its coil configuration and excitation, its compensation topologies, and the receiver’s detection in the case of movable systems. To validate our propositions, simulations and experimental results are explored and thoroughly discussed.

TitelEnergy Harvesting for Wireless Sensor Networks : Technology, Components and System Design
HerausgeberOlfa Kanoun
Anzahl der Seiten16
VerlagDE GRUYTER Poland
ISBN (Print)9783110443684
ISBN (elektronisch)9783110445053
PublikationsstatusErschienen - 01.01.2018
Extern publiziertJa

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© 2019 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston.