Weber’s rationalism and modern society: New translations on politics, bureaucracy, and social stratification

Publikation: Bücher und AnthologienBuch


Weber's Rationalism and Modern Society rediscovers Max Weber for the twenty-first century. Tony and Dagmar Waters' translation of Weber's works highlights his contributions to the social sciences and politics, credited with highlighting concepts such as "iron cage," "bureaucracy," "bureaucratization," "rationalization," "charisma," and the role of the "work ethic" in ordering modern labor markets. Outlining the relationship between community (Gemeinschaft), and market society (Gesellschaft), the issues of social stratification, power, politics, and modernity resonate just as loudly today as they did for Weber during the early twentieth century.

VerlagPalgrave Macmillan
Anzahl der Seiten233
ISBN (Print)9781137373533
ISBN (elektronisch)9781137365866
PublikationsstatusErschienen - 01.01.2015

Bibliographische Notiz

Publisher Copyright:
© Tony Waters and Dagmar Waters, 2015.


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