Nonunion representation in Germany

Publikation: Beiträge in SammelwerkenAufsätze in SammelwerkenForschung


The German works council, or Betriebsrat, con­ tinues to attract considerable attention in the United States because of the precipitous and on­ going decline in unionism in the private sector, where just 9.8 percent of the workforce is cur­ rently unionized. The works council is seen by many U.S. observers as offering an alternative form of worker representation that meets the re­ quirements of equity (i.e., industrial democracy) and efficiency. Given these supposed attributes, it should come as no surprise to learn that some have seen it as forming the basis of a participa­ tion mandate.
TitelNonunion employee representation : History, Contemporary Practice, and Policy
HerausgeberBruce E. Kaufman, Daphne Gottlieb Taras
Anzahl der Seiten21
ErscheinungsortArmonk, NY
VerlagRoutledge Taylor & Francis Group
ISBN (Print)9780765604958, 0765604957
ISBN (elektronisch)9781315501215
PublikationsstatusErschienen - 08.07.2016

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