Finite element based determination and optimization of seam weld positions in porthole die extrusion of double hollow profile with asymmetric cross section

Publikation: Beiträge in SammelwerkenAufsätze in KonferenzbändenForschungbegutachtet


Finite elemente analysis (FEA) allows to reduce development time during the die design stage as well as costly extrusion trials with prototypes. Therefore, it is essential that FEA computation provides reliable results. Among other output quantities such as temperature, load, or die stress, the prediction of material flow is one of the most essential ones. Especially in porthole dies, the material flow can be very complex and thus the position of the seam welds in the profile may be uncertain. In this study the particle tracing method was utilized to determine and finally adjust the seam weld positions in a double hollow profile with varying wall thicknesses over the cross section. The seam weld positions resulting from the original die design were determined by Eulerian FEA computation in the first step. Subsequently, the seam weld positions were adjusted by changing the die geometry. The simulation results were verified by means of extrusion tests, which were conducted under industrial conditions. In addition, Lagrangian and Eulerian FEA was utilized to analyze the evolution of the seam weld positions by evaluation of material flow as well as pressure distribution during the transient initial stage and the steady-state stage of the extrusion process. It was demonstrated that steady state process simulation and the particle tracing method can be used for the prediction of seam weld positions in complex hollow cross sections.

TitelAdvances in Hot Metal Extrusion and Simulation of Light Alloys
HerausgeberA. Erman Tekkaya, Andreas Jäger
Anzahl der Seiten8
VerlagTrans Tech Publications
ISBN (Print)978-3-03785-883-7
ISBN (elektronisch)978-3-03826-264-0, 978-3-03795-582-6
PublikationsstatusErschienen - 2014
Extern publiziertJa
VeranstaltungInternational Conference on Extrusion and Benchmark - ICEB 2013 - Dortmund, Deutschland
Dauer: 08.10.201309.10.2013


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