Exports, R&D and productivity in German business services firms: A test of the bustos-model

Publikation: Beiträge in SammelwerkenKapitelbegutachtet


This paper uses newly available data for German business services firms to test a hypothesis derived by Bustos (AER 2011) in a model that explains the decision of heterogeneous firms to export and to engage in R&D. Using a non-parametric test for first order stochastic dominance it is shown that, in line with this hypothesis, the productivity distribution of firms with exports and R&D dominates that of exporters without R&D, which in turn dominates that of firms that neither export nor engage in R&D. These results are in line with findings for firms from manufacturing industries. The model, therefore, seems to be useful to guide empirical work on the relation between exports, R&D and productivity for services firms, too.

TitelMicroeconometric Studies Of Firms Imports And Exports : Advanced Methods Of Analysis And Evidence From German Enterprises
HerausgeberJoachim Wagner
Anzahl der Seiten7
VerlagWorld Scientific Publishing Co.
ISBN (Print)9781786349682
ISBN (elektronisch)9781786349705
PublikationsstatusErschienen - 25.02.2021


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