Emerging market multinational enterprises should be taken more seriously, a recent SMS Collection argues

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History shows us that many multinational enterprises originate in Western industrial economies. Yet, these enterprises are not alone anymore. Huawei, TikTok, and WeChat are just a few examples of “emerging market multinational enterprises” (EMNEs), ones that are based in emerging market economies.

In a recent SMS Collection, Torben Pedersen and Steve Tallman ask, “Will EMNEs dominate the world economy in the near future?” As the authors argue: “Likely not, as multinationals from advanced countries fight back… but they will be serious competitors and we must understand them, not dismiss them.” And yet, Pedersen and Tallman highlight that EMNEs should be taken seriously as potentially powerful competitors, among others, for the following reasons.
Titel in ÜbersetzungMultinationale Unternehmen aus Schwellenländern sollten ernster genommen werden, heißt es in einer aktuellen SMS-Sammlung
PublikationsstatusErschienen - 03.05.2022