Case Studies: Scotland

Publikation: Beiträge in SammelwerkenAufsätze in SammelwerkenForschung


This volume provides a comprehensive analysis of civil liability for invasion of personality interests in Europe. It is the final product of the collaboration of twenty-seven scholars and includes case studies of fourteen European jurisdictions, as well as an introductory chapter written from a US perspective. The case studies focus in particular on the legal protection of honour and reputation, privacy, self-determination and image. This volume aims to detect hidden similarities (the 'common core') in the actual legal treatment accorded by different European countries to personal interests which in some of these countries qualify as 'personality rights', and also to detect hidden disparities in the 'law in action' of countries whose 'law in the books' seem to protect one and the same personality interest in the same way.
TitelPersonality Rights in European Tort Law
HerausgeberGert Brüggemeier, Aurelia Colombi Ciacchi, Patrick O´Callaghan
Anzahl der Seiten57
VerlagCambridge University Press
Seiten128-133 u.a.
ISBN (Print)9780521194914
ISBN (elektronisch)9780511685989
PublikationsstatusErschienen - 04.2010

Bibliographische Notiz

Der Beitrag ist eine Analyse auf nationaler Ebene, die Mitwirkende (Contributors/Reporter) für dieses Sammelwerk beigetragen haben. Die Analysen sind in die Kapitel des Buches eingeflossen. Seiten: 128-133, 167-171, 199-200, 223, 246-251, 269-270, 300-304, 336-338, 366-368, 402-403, 427-429, 449-451, 468-470, 486-488, 502-505, 532-536, 555


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