Keywords for children's literature
Projekt: Forschung
- O'Sullivan, Emer (Partner*in)
- Nel, Philip (Koordinator*in)
- Paul, Lissa (Koordinator*in)
- Christensen, Nina (Koordinator*in)
Drawing on the expertise of scholars in many fields, the publication "Keywords for Children’s Literature" responded, in 2011, to the need for a shared vocabulary by mapping the history of key terms and explaining how they came to be used in conflicted ways. It presented 49 original essays on the essential terms and concepts of the field.
It was published to critical acclaim, but also to criticism of its Anglocentrism, a criticism taken seriously by its editors Philip Nel and Lissa Paul. A new, greatly expanded edition with a host of international scholars and international advisory board is currently in preparation.
It was published to critical acclaim, but also to criticism of its Anglocentrism, a criticism taken seriously by its editors Philip Nel and Lissa Paul. A new, greatly expanded edition with a host of international scholars and international advisory board is currently in preparation.
Status | Abgeschlossen |
Zeitraum | 01.06.16 → 20.06.18 |
Verknüpfte Aktivitäten
Advisory Board for Keywords in Children's Literature (Externe Organisation)
Aktivität: Mitgliedschaft › Akademische Gremien, Arbeitskreise und Beiräte › Forschung
Advisory Board for Keywords in Children's Literature
Aktivität: Sonstige Gutachtertätigkeiten › wissenschaftliche Gutachtertätigkeiten › Forschung
Towards an International Keywords for Children's Literature (Roundtable): Presenters: Lissa Paul, Philip Nel, Nina Alonso, Nina Christensen, Francesca Orestano and Emer O’Sullivan
Aktivität: Vorträge und Gastvorlesungen › Gastvorträge und -vorlesungen › Forschung
Verknüpfte Publikationen
Publikation: Beiträge in Sammelwerken › Lexikonbeiträge › Forschung
Publikation: Beiträge in Sammelwerken › Lexikonbeiträge › Forschung