9th Midterm Conference of the Research Network Sociology of the Arts at the European Sociological Association: "Arts And Creativity: Working on Identity and Difference"

Projekt: Wissenschaftliche Veranstaltung


  • Kagan, Sacha (Wissenschaftliche Projektleitung)
  • Guerra, Paula (Wissenschaftliche Projektleitung)
  • Moreira, Tânia (Projektmitarbeiter*in)
  • Portuguese Association of Sociology


As the Chair of ESA RN2 in the period 2015-2017, Dr. Sacha Kagan organized and coordinated in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Paula Guerra (University of Porto) the 9th Midterm Conference of the Research Network Sociology of the Arts at the European Sociological Association (ESA RN2), held on September 8-10 2016. The conference was attended by 240 participants from 40 countries, and included 229 presentations (including scientific papers, roundtables, keynote speakers, workshops, creative workshops and musical/soundscape jam sessions, book launches, the launch of a Brazilian-Portuguese Research Network, and a workshop by the 'Arts Management Studies Research Stream' at ESA).
AkronymESA RN2

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