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2101 - 2120 von 3.056Seitengröße: 20
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  1. Condensed Matter

    ISSNs (Elektronisch): 2410-3896


    Scopus-Bewertung (2023): CiteScore 2,9 SJR 0,401 SNIP 0,602

    In DOAJ indiziert

    Fachzeitschrift: Zeitschrift

  2. Condensed Matter Physics

    ISSNs: 1607-324X

    National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

    Scopus-Bewertung (2023): CiteScore 1,1 SJR 0,192 SNIP 0,536

    In DOAJ indiziert

    Fachzeitschrift: Zeitschrift

  3. Condor

    ISSNs: 0010-5422

    University of California Press

    Scopus-Bewertung (2023): CiteScore 6,3 SJR 1,026 SNIP 1,148

    Fachzeitschrift: Zeitschrift

  4. Conference Digest - IEEE International Semiconductor Laser Conference

    ISSNs: 0899-9406

    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.

    Scopus-Bewertung (2023): CiteScore 0,4 SJR 0,144 SNIP 0,228

    Fachzeitschrift: Zeitschrift

  5. Conference of Open Innovation Association, FRUCT

    ISSNs: 2305-7254

    IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.

    In DOAJ indiziert

    Fachzeitschrift: Zeitschrift

  6. Conference on Machine Translation - Proceedings

    ISSNs (Elektronisch): 2768-0983

    Association for Computational Linguistics

    Fachzeitschrift: Zeitschrift

  7. Conference on Millimeter-Wave and Terahertz Technologies, MMWaTT

    ISSNs: 2157-0965

    ISSNs (Elektronisch): 2157-0973

    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.

    Fachzeitschrift: Zeitschrift

  8. Conference Proceedings from the International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis

    ISSNs: 0890-1740

    ASM International

    Fachzeitschrift: Zeitschrift

  9. Conference Proceedings - IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition - APEC

    ISSNs: 1048-2334

    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.

    Scopus-Bewertung (2023): CiteScore 3,2 SJR 0,77 SNIP 0,603

    Fachzeitschrift: Zeitschrift

  10. Conference Proceedings - IEEE-IAS/PCA Cement Industry Technical Conference

    ISSNs: 2155-9139

    ISSNs (Elektronisch): 2155-9155

    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.

    Fachzeitschrift: Zeitschrift

  11. Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics

    ISSNs: 1062-922X

    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.

    Fachzeitschrift: Zeitschrift

  12. Conference Proceedings - IEEE SOUTHEASTCON

    ISSNs: 1091-0050

    ISSNs (Elektronisch): 1558-058X

    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.

    Fachzeitschrift: Zeitschrift

  13. Conference proceedings International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury, IRCOBI

    ISSNs: 2235-3151

    International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury

    Fachzeitschrift: Zeitschrift

  14. Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-LEOS

    ISSNs: 1092-8081

    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.

    Scopus-Bewertung (2021): CiteScore 0,2 SJR 0,142 SNIP 0,126

    Fachzeitschrift: Zeitschrift

  15. Conference Proceedings of the European sCO2 Conference

    ISSNs (Elektronisch): 2510-7852

    DuEPublico - Duisburg-Essen Publications Online

    Fachzeitschrift: Zeitschrift

  16. Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series

    ISSNs: 2191-5644

    ISSNs (Elektronisch): 2191-5652


    Fachzeitschrift: Zeitschrift

  17. Conference Record - IAS Annual Meeting (IEEE Industry Applications Society)

    ISSNs: 0160-8592, 0197-2618

    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.

    Scopus-Bewertung (2022): CiteScore 0,5 SJR 0,416 SNIP 0,39

    Fachzeitschrift: Zeitschrift

  18. Conference Record - IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference

    ISSNs: 1091-5281

    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.

    Scopus-Bewertung (2023): CiteScore 1,4 SJR 0,249 SNIP 0,419

    Fachzeitschrift: Zeitschrift

  19. Conference Record - Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Technical Conference

    ISSNs: 2158-4893

    ISSNs (Elektronisch): 2158-4907

    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.

    Fachzeitschrift: Zeitschrift

  20. Conference Record - International Conference on Communications

    ISSNs: 0536-1486

    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.

    Scopus-Bewertung (2023): CiteScore 3,6 SJR 0,861 SNIP 0,584

    Fachzeitschrift: Zeitschrift