Science and Engineering Ethics, 1353-3452
Fachzeitschrift: Zeitschrift
- 2005
- Erschienen
Some ethical and legal issues in Germany involving informed consent and patenting
Jansen, B. & Simon, J., 01.03.2005, in: Science and Engineering Ethics. 11, 1, S. 93-96 4 S.Publikation: Beiträge in Zeitschriften › Zeitschriftenaufsätze › Forschung › begutachtet
- 2013
- Erschienen
Sustainable Development as a Challenge for Undergraduate Students: The Module "Science Bears Responsibility" in the Leuphana Bachelor's Programme: Commentary on "A Case Study of Teaching Social Responsibility to Doctoral Students in the Climate Sciences"
Michelsen, G., 12.2013, in: Science and Engineering Ethics. 19, 4, S. 1505-1511 7 S.Publikation: Beiträge in Zeitschriften › Zeitschriftenaufsätze › Forschung › begutachtet
- 2018
- Erschienen
Working with Research Integrity—Guidance for Research Performing Organisations: The Bonn PRINTEGER Statement
Forsberg, E.-M., Anthun, F. O., Bailey, S., Birchley, G., Bout, H., Casonato, C., Fuster, G. G., Heinrichs, B., Horbach, S., Jacobsen, I. S., Janssen, J., Kaiser, M., Lerouge, I., van der Meulen, B., de Rijcke, S., Saretzki, T., Sutrop, M., Tazewell, M., Varantola, K., Vie, K. J., Zwart, H. & Zoeller, M., 01.08.2018, in: Science and Engineering Ethics. 24, 4, S. 1023-1034 12 S.Publikation: Beiträge in Zeitschriften › Zeitschriftenaufsätze › Forschung › begutachtet